Status: Complete: Might plan a re-write in the future.

The Sharpest Lives

Lisa's POV

I ran and ran non-stop for a while, until I couldn’t breathe almost. I sat next to a tree to catch my breath.


I jumped and turned, seeing Kevin’s head pop up from behind a bush. I didn’t know if I should go by him, or run again.

“Come here,” he said.

I choked back tears and went to him. I waited for him to kill me, but instead, he hugged me.

“I’m sorry,” I said.

“Well, you’re ok right?”

“I let them change me! I’m not alright. In one moment last night, I went against all that I lived for. I’m a failure and I want you to kill me.”

“What!? Lisa, no. I won’t do it.”

“You have to. I’m changing as we speak. Do it before I kill you.”

“Sit. We need to talk for a bit.

He sat on the ground, so I sat as well. He grabbed his knife, and began to play with it, just so he could avoid looking at me.

“I don’t want to see you die. I like you, a lot. Listen to me though. Go with them. Do what they do, and I’ll do what I do. I’ll say I found you dead, so they’ll get out of here. We all know what went on the last few days, and when you guys left, they sent us to follow you guys. Just go with them. Go somewhere new and I’ll say I found you dead.”

“What about a body?” I asked, watching him chop up a stick with his knife.

“I can make up some gruesome story?”

“No. Just kill me, please? I’m in hell here,” I said, almost begging.

“I’m not gonna-ow!” He cursed as the knife tip pierced his flesh.

The immediate sight of blood, even through the darkness, was getting to me. The scent tickled my nose and I was suddenly hungry. I felt strange. I could feel myself changing.

“Kevin! Do it!” I shouted, getting to my feet.

“No. I won’t!” he looked up at me. “Lisa! Fight it!”

I held my head in my hands, trying to fight it. The scent of blood was strong. I needed it. Kevin grabbed me and held me. He was trying to help. I opened my eyes and saw his neck wide open.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered.


I grabbed him and plunged my fangs into his neck. The warm liquid ran down my throat as his grip loosened on me. Moments later, he fell, limp. I looked at his drained body. Pale and lifeless in the moon’s glow. I had just killed one of my best friends. I squatted against the tree, my eyes fixated on the body.


I sprung to my feet and turned. Frank was there. I released the breath I took and leaned against the tree.

“There really is no going back, huh?” I asked quietly.

He stepped over the bush, and that was when he saw Kevin’s body, and the blood. I fell to the ground again and Frank sat next to me.

“You killed him?”

“Not on purpose. It was more like a reflex. He cut himself, and I lost control.”

“It’ll get better. Come here.” He pulled me into his arms.

“It’s not that. I went against my job, my friends, and all that I lived for. The last couple years I’ve been so focused on my revenge for my family, and I threw that all away”

Frank said nothing as he held me. I wasn’t crying. I was just frustrated. I didn’t like this change. I hated it. I hated myself. I threw my life away. While sitting there, I wondered if it would get better. It dawned on me that I had a bad life. I sighed.

“Come on, let’s get back to the others,” Frank said.

I got up and we headed back in the direction towards the others. I began feeling strange. Frank stopped and looked at me. He said something, but I couldn’t catch it as I fell into him.