Status: Complete: Might plan a re-write in the future.

The Sharpest Lives

Frank's POV

I was caught off guard when Lisa passed out. I tried my best to catch her, but I still fell. While trying to figure out why she passed out, I picked her up and started walking again. I changed myself so I could track down the others faster. I could sense the people following me, and as they got closer, I turned to face them. Three slayers. I was less than amused.

“You want her right?” I asked.

“Just let us take her.”

“Why? She’ll just kill you all.”

“You changed her!?”

“Yeah,” I said, going into half-human form.

Each of them gasped upon knowing who I was. I knew all these slayers, and most of them knew me. I just laughed and gently set Lisa on the ground.

“What? You gonna kill me? I’m your boss’ kid.”

“You’re also a vampire, that we need to get rid of.”

“Go on pick. Kill the vampire that is the son of your boss. Your jobs, or your lives?”

I walked towards them, provoking them. They backed away in defense. I knew they wouldn’t want to lose their precious jobs. There was a rustling behind me. I turned and Lisa was gone. No sign of her until I turned back to the group. There were only two of them. A muffled cry for help followed by a scream. The two slayers, and I, staying away, went to the source of the sound. I grinned as I saw Lisa rip into the third slayer’s throat and drain him. I grabbed the slayer closest to me and did the same thing. The last slayer went to run. I was going to let him, but I saw Lisa chase him down. She tackled him hard. I heard a soft thud, and I ran over. She didn’t bite him, but I saw his head gushing blood as his body was twitching. Then silence. I saw that he had split the back of his head open on a rock. I had finally noticed that Lisa was in full form. Like a slap in the face, it hit me that Gerard was right about her.

“Wow,” I said.

“I was right, wasn’t I?”

I turned to see Gerard there. The rest of the group then showed up. I just nodded, then looked back at Lisa. She was still staring at the bodies in front of her.

“She took out two slayers. But, how is she so strong like that?”

“Her emotions play a big part. With this, it would be best not to get on her bad side. That goes for all of you,” Gerard said to the group.

“Wait, you’re gonna let her control us!?” Ray protested.

“No. You know her temper. Don’t get her mad, and all will be well.”

“She tried to kill you though!”

“Ray! Just don’t worry.”

I watched Gerard and Ray walk away to talk. The others sat in a small group. I turned back to Lisa, who was standing now, back to me. I went and touched her shoulder gently. She then turned to me. She looked normal.

“You alright?” I asked.

“Yeah. So, what’s our course of action?”

“Don’t know. Come on.”

We went and sat by the others. For an odd reason, things were feeling normal. Ray and Gerard came back a few minutes later.

“Ok. We’re going to where my dad is,” Gerard said. “We’re going to hide out there until we can find a new place to live.”

We all nodded and set off. I suddenly became worried for Lisa. They knew her life, they knew who she was. The woods became quiet again and we could sense that no one was around us. We weren’t being followed, yet I couldn’t help but keep looking behind us. Dawn was starting to break as we neared the huge house. The group was starting to lag, and half of them appeared exhausted.

“Well. Here we are. Let me go in first,” Gerard said.

We sat on the steps, slumped or leaning on one another. Some of us were almost asleep when Gerard came back out.

“Ok. We’ll get shown to rooms, then we can sleep. He’ll talk to us tonight.”

I led Lisa into the house and to the room shown to us. She didn’t seem tired though. I laid on the bed, watching her. She sat, back to me, and stared out the window.