Status: Complete: Might plan a re-write in the future.

The Sharpest Lives

Lisa's POV

I smiled and exited to find a doctor. They got Sheri all ready and sent her off with me. It wasn’t a long walk, but it was long enough to explain most of my life.

“So you really hate these things, don’t you?”

“They killed my closest family members, of course I do.”

“They got my sister a year ago. My twin sister. We were really close. I saw it happen.”

“Yeah, I saw them kill my mom. They almost got me, but a group of slayers saved me. That’s how I got into this. It’s like revenge. Some of the other slayers, they don’t take it seriously, but I do.”

“So, that’s how your boss is like a step mother to you?”

“Yeah.” I looked straight. “Oh?”


“That guy up there, I saw him two nights ago, standing outside his house.”

“The cute punk guy?”

“Yeah. He was nice, but a little weird. Are you hungry?”

“Kinda. I refused the breakfast they offered me at the hospital.”

“I don’t blame ya.”

We stopped at a restaurant and ate some breakfast. I was just in a really good mood. I saved a life, and I found someone I could connect with. After food, we went to my house.

“Home sweet home,” I said. “Oh yeah, I have a German Shepherd dog. Doesn’t bite though. He’s a big baby.”

We walked in, greeted by Rocco. He fell in love with Sheri. I showed her around, let her shower, and gave her something of mine to wear. Then I took my own shower and changed.

“I’m gonna get some sleep. Here’s a key, and money. There’s a store up the street that has cool clothes.”

“Really?” Thanks,” she said.

She went off and I went to my room and passed out.

“Lisa, what’s up?”

“Tyler! What’s up? What are you doing home?”

“Vacation. Plus, I missed you, little sis.” He hugged me. “Come on, let’s eat.”

We went out to eat then we walked around the park, talking. He talked about college, and scolded me for not going too. I just wanted to work and save money. We were cracking jokes to each other. Then we sat and watched the sun go down.

“We should get home before the vampires come and get us,” Tyler said.

“Oh please. You’re so full of it. They’re fantasies from books,” I said.

“Fantasy?” a voice said behind us.

I turned to see a man. Pale, short black spiky hair. I saw the fangs and clutched onto Tyler’s arm.

“But, but…” I stammered.

“But what? Something that’s a fantasy wouldn’t be standing in front of you…or
behind you,” he said.

I looked at Tyler. He was facing the other way, just staring. He seemed in a trance. I turned and there were two more guys. The tall skinny one was staring at Tyler, and the bigger guy was just standing there with his arms crossed. I went back to Tyler.

“Ty, snap out of it!” I shook him.

“It won’t work. His mind is paralyzed.”

“No! Stop it!” I shouted. “Tyler! Come on. Wake up!” I said frantically.

“His mind is no longer in his control.”

I watched as Tyler started to walk toward the skinny guy with curly hair. I tried to
block his path, but it didn’t work.

“Stop it! Stop it!” I shouted.

I ran towards the guy in hopes of breaking the concentration. The other guy grabbed me though, pinning my arms at my sides. The black haired man stepped to us.

“Please stop,” I said quietly, feeling defenseless.

He just laughed, then he placed his hand under my chin, making me look at him.

“You do what you have to, to live,” he said, turning my head back to Tyler and the guy.

His mouth was open, baring the long white fangs. His face was by Tyler’s neck.

“No!” I shouted as he sank his fangs in.

I cried as I watched my brother flinch, and fall limp, lifeless. The black haired
guy turned back to me.

“Guess who’s turn it is now?”

“No! Stop!” I squeezed my eyes shut.

“Hmm?” I heard him sniffing.

“What is it?” the guy holding me asked.

“We’ll be back for you,” he said to me.

All three of them were gone in an instant. I ran to Tyler’s lifeless body. I shook him, hoping he would wake up. I leaned over him and sobbed.