‹ Prequel: Temporary Home
Status: Finished!

Temporary Life

Chapter 10


The next day, Alex almost begged if he could go back to Bam's with us. I wasn't too sure about it at first, mostly because Alex wasn't Bam's favorite person, but also because of Blondie. "I just want to spend as much time as I can with her before I have to go back." Was his argument. I couldn't say no to that.

We had just pulled up to Bam's, and Zacky took Lily as I grabbed the bags. As we walked in, the house was dark. "Um, hello? Guys, what the hell?" The lights flipped on and

"Surprise!" I stood there in shock. Oh my God...

"You guys have got to stop doing that to me." I said, holding my hand to my chest, wanting my heart to calm down.

"Since when does Zacky V have a kid?" Jacoby asked, looking down at Lily. Oh shit...

"He doesn't... She's mine." I said, setting the bags down and taking Lily from Zacky. Jacoby and Pete both looked from her, to me, then to Alex.

"Fucker, you better start running." Jacoby growled. Alex yelped as they charged after him. Brendon just started laughing. Of course he would in a moment like this.

"Aw, she's so cute!" Ryan said, bending down to look at her. "Can I hold her?"

I smiled. "Sure." Well this wasn't the reaction I was prepared for. Pete and Jacoby wanting to kill Alex, yes. But everyone else being so chill about it, no. It was comforting, to say the least.

"So, Alex, huh?" Amy asked.

"Shut up." I said, rolling my eyes and laughing.

"Who's the blond who looks lost without him?" Hayley asked, looking at Jessica.

"That would be his... I don't even know what the hell she is to him. Play mate?" The two girls laughed.

"Kels! Your daughter isn't being very nice!" Tom said. I looked over and noticed Lily had a hold of his lip ring. Bill and Georg were in tears from laughing. They had been in the states, so Bam had called them up along with everyone else. I don't know how he got all of them here within a day, but it was nice. I really had missed all these people.

I walked over and gently unhooked Lily from his lip ring. "You have to be careful with babies and shiny objects." I said, laughing as he sucked on his lip. He just glared at me, then hit Bill and Georg.

"Ok, I think I'm safe." Alex said, out of breath.

"You think." Jacoby said.

Alex let out a weird type of groan and slide to the floor. "White flag. I don't care. Kick my ass. I can't run anymore."

Jacoby and Pete looked down at him and laughed. "Ok, that's good enough for us." Pete said, shrugging. "Now, let me see that little cutie." I put Lily in his arms so they good goggle at her, that's what everyone else seemed to be doing.

"Kelsi!" I looked down to see Ky running over to me. "Dico just told me a totally different thing than Uncle Jimmy did about where babies come from!"

"Oh crap." Pete laughed, handing Lily over to Jacoby.

"Be careful with my niece, Coby. She's very fragile." Ky said in a serious tone. It was cute how protective he was of her already.

"Don't worry, Ky. I'll take care of her."

"Now what's this I hear about Dico telling you where babies come from?" Pete asked, kneeling down to his level.

"Oh! Right. He said that they don't bloom, but they come from the mommy's va-j j. What's a va-j j?" He had the most confused look on his face.

Pete and I were both trying to hold in our laughs. "Why don't you go ask Uncle Zacky, hun?" I said, not knowing how to find a way around it.

"Ok." A few seconds later-

"WHAT?! Dico! Get your ass over here!" Yeup... That was Michelle. Poor Dico... He lived such a short life... At least that will be another lesson to him not to mess with pregnant women!
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so much to write so little time! :) hope you guys like. and please check out my other two stories if you haven't already! Tell me what you think :]]