‹ Prequel: Temporary Home
Status: Finished!

Temporary Life

Chapter 22


"What's going on?" Jimmy asked, walking over to me as I picked Ky up. My back gave out a little, but I regained balance. "Here, let me take him." Jimmy said, reaching for Ky. I shook my head, and walked to the living room.

"How was lunch?" Johnny asked.

"Fine." I mumbled, sitting down next to Matt on the couch as everyone followed me in. That's when I noticed, everyone wasn't acting very natural. I looked around and didn't notice Alex or Lily... "Where's Lily?" I asked, not really caring about Alex.

"Well, they, he-"

"Tell me, Johnny." I growled.

"He took her out for a little bit." He sighed, waiting for the blow.

"What?!" I moved Ky to sit in Matt's lap, as I jumped up.

"Now, Kels, stay calm." Jimmy said, following me as I headed for the door.

"Stay calm about what?! About Alex being out their with my daughter?! It's Alex for Christ's sake!"

"Yes, and you should give him a little credit. He is the father." He said, trying to keep his tone soft.

I stopped and looked at him. "Who's side are you on? Just yesterday, he was being an ass and not wanting to have anything to do with Lily. Now he acts like he's turned around and you're saying to give him a chance?! Who the hell are you? Because I know you're not Jimmy. There is no way in hell he would be saying this." I said, shaking my head.

"Kels, come on, you need to calm down." Zack said, walking over to me. "You're going to have a panic attack if you don't stop. Do you want that?" I closed my eyes, and tried focusing on my breathing. Where was Jacoby when I needed him?! At least I knew he would be on my side!

After Zack had gotten me to calm down, we went back to the living room to sit down. "So, what took you so long? I thought you guys were just going for lunch." Leana said.

"We went to see Kevin." Derek explained.

"Oh, how is he?" Val asked.

Everyone scowled, as I answered. "He fell in with the wrong crowed. He's now an addict." I explained.

"And you fucking went to see him?!" Jimmy yelped. I shot him a glare, not being in the happiest moods with him right now.

"Yes, I went to see him. I'm not going to turn my back on him when he's like this. I know he needs someone to pull him out of it."

"Kels, don't you think you have enough to worry about right now? Why add to the stress? And especially for a drug addict?" Matt asked calmly.

"Because he used to be my friend! I know what drugs can do to you and I don't want him to go through that! I don't want him to die because of them! He's a good guy with a big heart. He was just lead in the wrong direction! Give him a little bit of fucking credit!" Damn, why were they determined to piss me off today?

"Kels, I don't think you know how dangerous this can be." Jimmy said, a hard look in his eyes.

"You're wrong, Jimmy. I do know how dangerous this is, but I'm still not backing down."

"If you're trying to do this to prove a point or something-"

"What point do I have to prove by helping my friend?! The only point I have to prove is that I'm not a child anymore! That I can take care of myself! That I don't need to be babied like I'm going to break at any moment!"

"Well you're doing a very poor job of proving that point right now." I growled, before stomping out of the room. I had just had my first fight ever with Jimmy... And I felt horrible.

"What's going on?" I heard Alex ask. My eyes shot open as I turned to glare at him. "Wow there..."

"Where the hell have you been?! You thought you could just randomly leave without telling me where you were going?!"

"Hey, calm down, Kelsi." He said warningly, but it didn't phase me. "She's my daughter too and I can take her out if I want to. Plus, you weren't here."

"I have a cell phone, Alex!"

He walked past me and into the living room, laying Lily down on the couch and surrounded her in pillows so she wouldn't roll off, covering her up with a blanket. "Let's go outside." He said, walking out back. I stood there, looking at him, with my arms crossed over my chest. "Kelsi, I've done some thinking... And I want custody of Lily." It wasn't registering at first. But, when it did, it felt like a blow to the stomach. No, like ice being shot up through my veins.

"You WHAT?!"

"Not full custody, but half. I want visitation rights and all of that. I want her to be able to come stay with me for more than just a day, or my having to come over here. I have a right, Kelsi."

"And what right would that be, Alex?" I hissed lowly. "Were you the one that carried her for nine months? No. Were you the one that went through a high risk pregnancy with her? No. Were you the one who stayed up with her all night while she screamed in your ear, because she couldn't sleep? No! Were you the one that broke down and almost killed herself because she thought her baby didn't love her? No! Were you the one that stressed out over every little thing for Lily and made sure she was ok? No! But I did, Alex! I went through all of that for my daughter, so don't tell me you have a fucking right to have custody of her!"

"You're the one that ran without telling me!"

"I did not run! I left because you were being an ass! I thought, if this is they way he's going to act, why bother telling him?! Maybe he'll accuse me of cheating or lying to him!" Tears were streaming down my face as my body continued to shake uncontrollably. I felt light and was starting to see spots. Soon, it was dark.
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Dude!!! Check out the banner that MusciMadness made me!!! isn't it AMAZING?! :) I love it. Don't you love it? Say yes, or I won't update... haha jk... or am I???
Anyways... I think I've gone crazy on cold medicine! Tell me what you think PLEASE!
Can I get at least five comments before the next update? I already have it written, so all you have to do is take a second to comment! Thanks! <3