‹ Prequel: Temporary Home
Status: Finished!

Temporary Life

Chapter 23


*Jimmy's P.O.V.*

I heard the yelling suddenly stop, and complete silence. This made my stomach knot. I looked around at everyone else. We didn't say anything, but jumped up and ran out back. There Kels was, laying unconscious on the floor. "What the hell did you do?!" Beth screamed at Alex, who looked scared. I felt bad for him right now. Having Beth yell at you, it's not fun...

"What happened, Alex?" I asked calmly, kneeling down to pick Kelsi up.

"I don't know. One minute she's yelling at me, the next, she just blacked out."

"She didn't just black out, Alex." Devin hissed.

"Was she shaking before she passed out?" Matt asked. He slowly nodded, finally understanding.

I sighed, shaking my head and taking her upstairs to her room. I gently lay her on the bed, as Val and Leana came in to change her. "Alex, what were you guys fighting about?" I asked, calmly.

"We were talking about Lily, and she just suddenly went off."

"She wouldn't just suddenly go off. Yes, she has her moments, but she wouldn't go off like that, Alex." Zacky said, glaring at him. "What the hell did you say to set her off?"

He was silent, before just walking away. Everyone looked at each other confused. "Someone needs to call Brian." Matt said.

"I'll do it." I said, grabbing my phone and going into the other room.

"Hello?" Brian's tired voiced answered.

"Bri, is there any chance that you can get over here?"

"I don't know, Jim. Chel's still really really sick and we're both exhausted. Why?
What's up?"

"It's Kels. She passed out while having a fight with Alex."

He groaned. "God damnit... Alright, I'm gonna try to get over there."

"I understand you need to take care of Michelle, Bri. But don't forget that Kels needs you too. We can take care of Michelle for a few hours if need be."

"I know, Jim." He said, before hanging up.

I sighed, and walked back up stairs. Just as I opened the door, I saw Kels sitting up. She wouldn't look at anyone, she wouldn't say anything. She just looked like she was trying to hold back tears. "Kels, talk to me, Sweetie. Tell me what's going on." Leana said, stroking her hair.

She looked up at Lee with watery eyes. "He wants half custody of Lily... I can't do it, Lee. I've had her sleeping in the same house with me since she was born. I can't let her go for a few weeks at a time. I just can't." She said, shaking her head back and forth.

Everyone in the room sat in silence. We couldn't believe Alex was going to try to pull this. I know what I said earlier about him being Lily's father, but he couldn't just pull that on Kels. She still needed to get used to the idea of him being part of her life again, including Lily's.

"Where's Dad?" She asked, her voice cracking.

"He's taking care of Michelle right now. He's going to try to get here." I explained. She looked at me. I could see the hurt in her eyes.

"Tell him not to bother. He needs to take care of Michelle." She said, before getting up and walking to the bathroom. A few minutes later, we heard the water turn on.

"He can't seriously think he can do that." Matt said, clenching his fists at his sides. "It'll never happen! They always take the mom's side over the dad's."

"Not in all cases. They can throw at her that she left." Lacey said, sadly. We all sat in silence, letting it all sink in.

"I'm heading out. I'll be back around the same time again." Kelsi said quietly. How long had we been sitting, thinking in silence? She was already ready for work. Wait... What?! Why is she going to work?!

"Why are you going to work?" Zack asked. Wow, creepy. Can he read my mind?
"Because I need to."

"Kels, you just passed out not even two hours ago. You can't go to work. You need to rest." Matt said.

"I'm fine." She said, before leaving.

"She's going to land her ass in the hospital if she keeps this up." Derek sighed, shaking his head.

"Let's go get her to talk." Devin said.

"It's no use, she won't talk to you while she's at work. She can just go to the office." Zack said, sitting on the bed.

"Then, we wait." Beth said.

This was going to be a long night, and probably a long day tomorrow. Old and new things were getting dug up. I just pray to God that we can keep them under control.
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:) yeay