‹ Prequel: Temporary Home
Status: Finished!

Temporary Life

Chapter 24


*Brian's P.O.V.*

I had finally gotten to sleep, when my phone started ringing. I groaned, determined not to answer it. But, whoever was calling, was going to make sure I answered. "What?" I snapped.

"Brian Haner?" It was a man's voice.

"This is him."

"Mr. Haner, I'm sorry that it's so late, but we need you to come pick your daughter up." My eyes snapped open as I sat up.

"Why? What's wrong? Where is she?"

"Well, she came into work tonight looking extremely upset. I asked her if she wanted the night off, and she declined. After a few hours, some of our customers asked her to drink with them while she worked. Usually, she declines them politely, but not tonight. She's obviously drunk and needs to go home and get some sleep."

I sighed, rubbing my eyes. "I'll be there soon." I said, before hanging up.

"Babe?" Michelle rolled over to look at me.

"Shh, go back to sleep." I said, kissing her forehead, before getting up.

The whole time I was driving to the bar, I couldn't believe this was happening. Kelsi had some explaining to do when we got back.

My phone started to ring again. I looked down and saw Jimmy's number. "Bri, have you heard from Kels?" He asked.

"I'm on my way to pick her up. We'll be there in an hour."

"Should the girls take Ky and Lily?"

"Just have Val take them over with Michelle. I have a feeling we're going to need the girls."

When I got to the bar, one of the bouncers asked me if I was looking for someone. "Kelsi, she's my daughter. Someone called me to come pick her up."

He nodded. "Follow me."

I walked with him to a back room, where it looked like two of the guys that worked here were trying to keep an eye on Kels. "I got her, guys." I said, walking over and picking her up

"Why the hell are you picking me up? I have two feet, ya know?" She was trying hard not to slur, but wasn't successful.

"I'm pretty sure you won't be able to use them." I said, as I walked out to the car. The ride was silent, and when she was this silent, I knew she wasn't happy.

As we pulled up to Papa's, the guys were already walking out the door to meet us. Kels got out on her own, and tried stumbling her way to the front door. Just as she was about to fall, Jimmy grabbed her. She wasn't too happy about this though. She shoved him off and started walking on her own again. "She didn't." Matt said, looking after her.

"Oh, she did. And she's going to explain." I growled as I walked after her.

"Brian, wait! You can't just blow up on her." Zack said, running after me. I ignored him as I walked over to Kelsi, who was now in the kitchen looking for something.

"What the hell were you thinking, Kelsi?" I asked. "Do you know how bad that looks when your work calls me to come pick you up because you're too hammered?" She continued to ignore me as she went on doing whatever it was she was doing. "Kelsi, answer me!"

She shot me a glare. "What are you doing here anyways? Why didn't you just have one of the others pick me up?"


"You're too busy with your new child and soon to be wife. You're moving on with your own life, that's fine. I totally understand." She mumbled, as she grabbed a lighter from one of the cabinets. Why she needed it, did not cross my mind.

"God, Kels, don't tell me you're hitting a jealous stage. Weren't you supposed to do that years ago?" I groaned, running my hands down my face.

"I'm not fucking jealous, ok?!" She screamed at me. But there was something else in her voice... Sadness? Pain? Anguish? Anger?

"Baby, what's going on?" I asked softly.

"It doesn't matter anymore. He's going to fucking take her away from me. All I was good for was having her... Nothing else matters." She muttered the last part, before heading out back.

"What the hell is she talking about?" I turned, asking the guys.

"I think we should be more worried about what she's about to do right now." Jimmy said, running after her. We all followed.

"Go away." She mumbled to Jimmy. She was curled up into a ball on the deck, tears running down her cheeks.

"Baby, I'm not going anywhere." He said, brushing a few strands of hair out of her face. She just jerked away from him.

"Don't touch me." She hissed. I saw a look of hurt flash across Jimmy's face. "Just leave me alone. I don't care anymore. I so tired of fighting, and never making an impact." She said, her voice cracking.

"Kels, please just let me-"

"No! Stay away from me, Jimmy! You chose Alex over me when you chose his side!" She yelled, trying to get away from him.

He pushed his pain away, and tried to get her to calm down. He pulled her into his arms as she struggled to get away from him and screamed at him. "You need to calm down, Kelsi." He said firmly.

"Fuck you! Fuck all of you! She was right! You can never trust anyone but yourself!" What was she talking about?

"Keslandra, I'm not going to tell you again. You need to calm down before-" He didn't even finish his sentence, before she slumped in his arms. "Pass out." He sighed. He picked her up and took her up to bed.

What had gotten into her?
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drama! Ooooh... Will Brian see how she feels? Will anyone see how she feels?! Where'd Alex go? Where the hell is BAM?! Tell me what you think in a comment! :)