‹ Prequel: Temporary Home
Status: Finished!

Temporary Life

Chapter 3


"Bam, I'm leaving!" I yelled up the stairs as I held Lily in her carrier and slung her bag over my shoulder.

I heard footstep as he ran down the stairs. "I still don't know why you can't leave her with me," he said, pouting.

"Because you have enough to worry about," I said, rolling my eyes.

He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Bye, little one. Bite Uncle Jess if he gets annoying, that's what I do." What is it with people and threatening to bite each other?! "I'll see you tomorrow." He kissed her forehead, but didn't stand up.

"Bam, I have to go," I sighed, readjusting the bag.

"But... Her room's already here and-"

"Just let her go, Bam, she'll be back tomorrow. You act like it's your kid," Missy said with a bitchy attitude.

"Excuse me, but she's not an it and she has a name; Lily. I know you can comprehend that much. And Bam's attached to her because he's been there since day one. It's not his fault if you're a cold hearted-"

"Okay, I'll see you later. Please be careful," Bam said, cutting me off. He normally came between us when we butted heads. It wasn't too often that I'd give her the satisfaction of getting under my skin, but I wasn't in the mood for it right now. And no one talks about Lily like that.

"I'll be back later," I mumbled, before walking out and slamming the door behind me.

As soon as I got to Jess', I didn't to leave her. I literally sat in the car for fifteen minutes before Jess came out to get her. "Jerk," I mumbled, trying to hold the tears back. When you have never spent a day away from your baby in her life, it's hard!

"Kels, I promise she will be fine. I have all the numbers to get a hold of you if something does happen. Now, go," Jess said, trying to keep Lily away from my arms.

I gave him a pout. "Just let me give her one more kiss."

"One more, then you go, or I'll get Vito over here," he threatened half heartedly.

I shuddered at the thought. "Fine."

Once I got to the bar, it wasn't time to open yet, so one of the girls walked me through everything. As soon as it was open, a good amount of people came in. I felt a little out of place at first, but then I got the hang of things. The uniforms didn't make me feel exactly confident, but I still tried. We had to wear black short shorts, but they still covered, then a black tank. We were pretty much show for whoever. It was a little annoying when you had perverted old men looking you up. I just tried to ignore it and not shudder in disgust.

On my break, I went to check my phone to see if Jess had called. There was a voice mail, but not from him. "Hey, Baby! We're on your side of the country, and we know you're not out of town. So, we thought we'd come see you and Bam! The My Chem guys will be with us. Can't wait to see you! Love you, bye." Oh mother fucker shit... My dad was coming?! Along with the band and My Chem?! I am so dead... I'd hidden all of this for a reason! How to stop them from coming? It wasn't too late... Was it?

I reluctantly went back to work. I couldn't get it off of my mind. "Hey, guys. What can I get you?"

"Kelsi?" My head snapped up and I knew my eyes were wide. There were five men sitting in the booth, in sunglasses, hoodies and hats. "Is that you?"

"Depends who's asking..." I knew that voice.

"What the hell?! Do you not love us anymore?!" Oh hell no...

"No, Frank, I do love you guys," I sighed.

"Then why do you barely answer our calls? And why don't you ever want to see us? We haven't seen you since the last tour you went on!"

"Guys, I'm sorry... I just... I have to go." I turned, and ran smack dab into someone.

"Whoa, sorry about that, shouldn't have been so close." Oh this is lovely. I looked up into his blue eyes, and then turned to quickly get away. "Kelsi?!"


"I have to go," I said, walking away and to the back room. Luckily they couldn't follow me back here.
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Oh snap! :) man, I would've bitch slapped Missy by now. Lol. but, of course, I don't know her personally, I just don't like how she is in general.

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