‹ Prequel: Temporary Home
Status: Finished!

Temporary Life

Chapter 52


We stayed at Dad's for about two weeks, before heading back home. Bam had filming to do, and I had to get back to Lily. It was killing me not being able to be with her. I knew she was being taken care of, but still... It was more than hard.

Jimmy almost didn't let me leave... The whole separation anxiety? Yeah... He wasn't joking about that...

"You ready?" Bam asked, smirking as we pulled into the drive way and up to the house.

"What kind of question is that?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

I was out of the car and in the house before Bam even put it in park. "Look who's home!" Ville smiled as he held Lily in his arms. She giggled and started babbling.

"Hey, Baby!" I said, picking her up and holding her to my chest.

"Don't smother her, Babe." Bam chuckled, walking over to us. "Hey, Cutie. Were you good for Uncle Ville?" He asked, letting her grab onto his finger like he usually does.

"Say, of course, Uncle Bam." Ville laughed at his own impersonation of Lily.

Bam got a look in his eyes, and I knew he was thinking about something. "Here, can you take Lily up to the room? I'll be up in a sec." I said, handing her to Bam and kissing his cheek.

When I saw he was out of hearing range, I turned to Ville. "So I see you finally gave him an answer." He said, smiling down at the ring on my left hand.

I looked down at it, nodding and smiling too. "Yeup, and I'm glad I did."

"Me too. I don't think I can ever see you guys without each other... Now, go up and spend time with that little girl. She's very smart and noticed when you weren't here."

"That's my girl."

I walked into the room to find Bam laying on the bed with Lily laying on his stomach. He was talking to her and she was just smiling away. I smiled and climbed onto the bed with them. "What're you thinking about?" I asked him, playing with his hair.

He sighed and picked Lily up so that she was now laying on my chest, then moved so his head was laying on my stomach. "I want Lily to call me Dad." He mumbled into my shirt.

"What?" I asked, thinking I didn't catch it the right way.

"I mean, I've been there since she was in the womb. I was there for her for everything. It's like I'm her father... So... I don't know. It's stupid."

I smiled down at him, stroking his cheek. "It's not stupid. Not many guys out there would even care. Or, they wouldn't even have the balls to think that."

"So... You don't mind?"

"Hell no. Why would I? You made a great point."

"But... Alex."

"What about Alex?"

"Kels, he is her biological father."

"Yes. But you're the father that's always been there for her from day one and will continue to be there for her. I'm a bit worried about Alex... I think he still needs to get the hang of things. You, well, you're just a natural at it."

He laughed slightly, burring his head in my stomach. "God I can't wait."


He smiled deviously up at me. "For the day I finally impregnate you with my evil spawn." He said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes. "I'm just kidding. I mean, the day I can finally rub your stomach. Or hold that little baby in my arms, knowing I helped make them."

"Why, Bam Margera, you've become quite I softy." I said, chuckling softly.

He shook his head. "No. Just grown up. I still like to mess around and be weird... But I want to show you I can actually do something. I guess, prove myself in some way."

"Bam, you don't need to prove yourself to me in any way. If you ever did need to, you already have. You helped me in the hardest of times. We don't need to have a baby for you to prove yourself to me."

He moved the hem of my shirt up and kissed my stomach gently. "Regardless, I still can't wait for that day to come."

"Me neither, Daddy." I had to suppress a laugh as he looked up at me with shock. "What? Lily's words, not mine."

He moved up to meet my lips in a passionate kiss. "I love you." He whispered against my lips.

And I believe him.
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Aw! Bam wants to be Daddy :) I thought that would be cute... Only a few more chapters left!! hehe ...