‹ Prequel: Temporary Home
Status: Finished!

Temporary Life

Chapter 7


"Oops," Val mumbled.

"Guys, what's going on?" I asked, sitting Ky down on Mikey's lap.

"Kels, we have some news for you," Matt said, putting his arm around Val's waist.

"We're pregnant!" Val yelled, smiling happily.

"Wait... You guys are pregnant? At the same time?" I asked, pointing between her and Michelle. They looked at each other, smiling and nodding. "Oh, this is going to be fun... Good luck, guys!" I laughed, waving and turning to go back to the kitchen.

"Gee, thanks, Kels!" Dad yelled after me.

I smirked. "You're welcome!"

As I was chopping some carrots up, Gerard and Bob walked in. "So, Alex, huh?" Bob asked.

"I won't hesitate to stab you," I threatened, holding the knife up.

"Hey, I was just sayin'," he said, holding his hands up.

"What about it?" I asked, going back to chopping.

"I just don't think I would've thought of him being Lily's father," he said, shaking his head.

"Bob, she has his eyes, hair, and nose for Christ’s sake! It was an oops moment, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. She's one of the best things that have happened to me."
"You're not going to be anything like her, Kels," Gerard suddenly said.

"What do you mean?" I asked, taken off guard by his statement.

"I can tell you're afraid of turning out to be like your mother. You're nothing like that woman." I looked at him in shock and confusion. "I've learned how to read you like a book, Kels. You're hard to figure out, but I finally cracked the code."

"You butt head." I smirked.

"Oh, you love me." He smiled, bumping his hip into mine.

"Really? When did I ever say that?"

"Bri! Your kid's being a brat again!"

"What's new?"

"Love you too, Dad!" All I heard were laughs.

"Mmmm, what smells good?" Bam asked, walking into the kitchen with... Missy. I guess I'll be nice and not call her names in my head right now.

"Dinner," I said shortly.

"No shit, Sherlock," Bam said, nudging my head.

"Kelsi, can I help?" Ky asked, running in.

"Who're all these people?" Missy asked, eyeing Ky down.

Back off bitch.

"Come on, I'll introduce you guys," Bam said, noticing my warning stare.

"You want me to take Ky out back?" Gerard asked.

"No, come here, little guy," I said, grabbing him and sitting him on the counter.

A few minutes later, Missy came back into the kitchen. "Are you sure that's sanitary?" She asked, looking at Ky on the counter. When the hell did she start caring about shit like that?!

"Are you sure you're-"

"Hey, Ky! Why don't you come help me and Bob with something?" Gerard suggested, picking him up.

"But I want to help, Kelsi," Ky said pouting as they walked out back. I walked into the living room, knife still in hand.

"I didn't do it!" Frank yelped, hiding behind Matt.

"I'm about to fucking stab it," I hissed to Bam. He knew what I was talking about. He sighed, standing up and walking to the kitchen.

"Kels, calm down and put the knife down," Jimmy said, walking over.

"No, just, ugh! I need Advil," I grumbled, walking back to the kitchen to find some.

"You're tense," Jimmy stated as he rubbed my shoulders.

"I wonder why."

"Do you two not get along very well?"

"Not at all. I just put up with her because Bam seems to really like her," I sighed, rubbing my tired eyes.

"Well, just remember to play nice. And that means when she plays dirty, kick her fucking ass." I laughed turning to look at him.

"I've missed you, Jimbo," I said, hugging him.

"I've missed you too, Munchkin." I smiled at my old nickname.

We all sat down at the table for dinner, including Missy. She kept holding Bam's hand, or when he would let her hand go, she would place it on his thigh... Very high up on his thigh; it was disgusting. "So, to leave your family because you didn't want them to find out about your kid seems pretty hard. And then coming to live with Bam? I just don't see the logic in that," Missy said, opening her stupid ass mouth.

"Missy," Bam warned, trying to get her to shut up.

She gave him and innocent look. "What? I was just saying..."

"Saying what? That you feel as if I'm a threat to you?" I asked, suddenly getting pissed off.

"Why would I have a reason to see you as a threat?" She asked in a pissy tone.

"Missy, what the hell is your problem with me?" I growled, slamming my fork down on the table.

She rolled her eyes. "It's not you I have a problem with. It's your kid."

I jumped from my seat, ready to pounce, but Dunn grabbed me before I could. "My kid has a fucking name and you know it, dammit! I don't care what you have to say about me, but do not bring Lily into this, or you will find your ass in a hospital," I growled, glaring at her. I yanked away from Dunn's grip, and took my plate to the kitchen, throwing it in the sink. I went up to my room and started packing a bag for a few weeks, then went to Lily's and did the same for her.

"What're you doing?" Bam asked, walking in as I strapped Lily in her carrier.

"I'm going to stay with Gerard for a few weeks," I said, slinging the bags over my shoulder and picking Lily up.

"Kels just calm down and go blow off some steam. You know she doesn't mean-"

"Oh, don't fucking start that with me, Bam. I'm not in the mood." I pushed past him and went down the stairs, where Dad was already waiting for me.

I really wish Bam would just pull his head out of his ass.