Status: on hold until further notice.

Under My Skin

Chapter One - Crystal

Jordan Grant and Hazel Allen are the picture perfect couple. Jordan has the ruffled, sexy blonde hair and beautiful baby blue eyes, along with the lean and muscular body. Hazel has perfectly pin straight, chocolate brown locks and the most perfect shade of brown eyes to go with her hair. She also has the curves, the boobs, and the butt to make any guy melt in her presence.

Perfect Guys belong with Perfect Girls. Guys like Jordan and girls like Hazel. Perfect.

Although perfection is impossible, that is how I see them. They seem to pull it off, well… Perfectly. Jordan and Hazel can accomplish the impossible, what can I say? Not that I’m a big fan of them or anything, but I’m just saying.

Anyways… Jordan and Hazel have been together for over three years. It all started in our freshmen year of high school. I was semi-friends with Jordan, and back then, he was nowhere near as good looking as he is now. But we were semi-friends and he told me that he liked Hazel, who, by the way, used to be my best friend. I told him he should just ask her out, because Hazel kept ranting on and on about how cute she thought Jordan was. So he did, and she said yes and Kablam! The only reason we’re not best friends anymore is because she got too wrapped up in Jordan. Oh well, everything happens for a reason, right?

It’s actually unbelievable that they’re still dating, and that they’re still unbelievably happy. Everything just seems so perfect between the two. But I don’t believe it for a second. And I’ll tell you why!

This is the part where I come in… Hi, my name’s Crystal. Crystal Peterson. I’m eighteen years old and am a senior in an ick-hole called high school. You could say I’m the average bear, but I would have to disagree. No one is truly average and I’m human, thank you very much. Like everyone else, I am unique and special in my own way. Although, my appearance is contradictory to my statements.

I have bland, shoulder-length, dirty blonde hair that I have attempted to put odd colored highlights in. Just to make my hair look cooler. It didn’t work, though. So I gave up. Onward, shall we? My eyes, I wish I could tell you that they were a gorgeous, deep ocean blue, but that is far from the truth. I would be lying to you, and I am not a liar. Wait, never mind. That’s a big fat lie right there. Yep. My eyes are actually more of a blue-green, and not the pretty mix of green and blue. Whatever, though, I can’t help my own genes. Hmm… Oh! I’m quite short, you see. About five foot one. And I don’t want to forget to mention that I’m a little too thin for my age. Ergh.

So to say, I am not perfect in the least! That’s okay, I guess. I’d rather have flaws and be flawed, rather than be boring and perfect all the time. You know? Plus, perfection is still impossible.

You know how I mentioned, earlier, that I don’t believe that Jordan and Hazel are as happy as they appear? Something like that? Yeah, well, they’re not. Believe me. They started to have this major downfall at the beginning of the year. It’s not getting any better. I’m no help, because I play a big part in the rest of the year, which digs them deeper into a hole they cannot get out of. Then, finally, when things are completely out of hand, Jordan Grant and Hazel Allen break up.

It’s all my fault. I could have stopped what I started, I had the power to. But I didn’t, and I don’t know why, because things didn’t end well for me, either. I kept going, while little pieces of my heart broke off and disappeared into oblivion, until it was completely gone, empty. I was a shell. I am a shell. I am healing. I am healed.

This is the story of how it all happened, how my whole world came crashing down, along with Jordan and Hazel’s. This is the story of how I heal and let go. This story is everything.

This is my story.