Status: on hold until further notice.

Under My Skin

Chapter Two - Hallie

It didn't start out this way.

Lucas and I met a year ago. It was that typically cliché moment - I trip, I fall, he picked up me, then my books and assorted papers.

I was walking home that day. I normally got a ride home with my ex, Jacob, but after the (very bad) break up, I had to start finding my own way home, and as snobby as this sounds, taking the bus was not an option.

So Lucas walked me home, despite the fact that it was wicked cold, and he even carried my stuff for me. He was extremely charming, funny and very sweet. Very cute, too. He had jet black hair that was kept short, but not too short, if you know what I'm saying. He had piercing blue eyes and was tall, very tall, and kind of built. I felt kind of dowdy compared to him - short, very short, frizzy, curly, mouse-brown hair, not the skinniest [but not the fattest] girl out there, and my eyes were a dull, dull grey.

I didn't realize, though, until I was in my room later that night, that I hadn't even caught his name.

I was on my bed, sorting through the papers that Lucas had carried for me, when an unfamiliar bit of paper caught my eye:

"You captured my attention a few weeks ago. Today, I finally had an excuse to talk to you. I hope we speak again, and soon, Hallie Mason.

Lucas Fisher

I couldn't help myself - I grinned. I reached over to my bedside table and grabbed my cell:

"Hello, Lucas Fisher," I texted to him.

It went from there, late into the night and the next day he was there, at my locker, again, ready to walk me home.

This continued for two months until one day, he finally got up the nerve to ask me out.

Here we are, nine months later. Things are…different, to say the least. Or, at least, Lucas is.
People say he's dangerous, but they don't see what an incredibly sweet and loving person he is.

People tell me to leave him, but I can't. I won't. I love him, and no matter what he says or does, I know he loves me, too.

And for now, that will have to be enough.