Promise the Stars

Jenna Duncan is 18 years old and her big brother is Danny Duncan of We The Kings. Jenna had been their number one fan since they came out. Of course she is best friends with everyone but only one of the band members stick out to her.

Travis Clark

Everyone she knows thinks that he isn't cute and that he is unattractive. But to her he is and he means a lot more to her than most people. Nobody really knows that she is friends with all of them or who her brother is.

Jenna has had a crush on Travis for a while now. But what will happen when they want her to go on tour with them and secrets start to be found out. The only bad thing about her loving him is that she is best friends with him.

This tour is going to be an adventure for all of We The Kings and Jenna. Take Action Tour better be ready for all of this. Take Action Tour here we come!