Status: in the process :)


You light the skies up above me

My mother and father bid us a sweet goodnight and pulled the blanket of the dark night sky across me and my brothers and sisters. We were among the least in need of warmth that calm night, for our entire beings burned with life, and turned into a flickering and dimmed flame during our period of slumber. I refused to sleep. From where I sat perched on a sparkling cloud of dust, hugging my legs close to my chest, I couldn’t help but gaze onward towards what lay before me. My bright white glow was just enough to light up a single piece of the vast universe that was my home.

It was at my father’s hand, that day turned to night. With my mother’s sweet whispers, the seasons changed on the small planet that rotated on its axis teeming with various forms of life. This was Earth. I had heard many a tales about this place, and had spent centuries analyzing every aspect of it, while my brothers and sisters slept among the quiet of the galaxy, never once taking a moment to wonder of what lays millions of miles below us, just outside of our narrow frame of mind.

The Earth was filled with countless wonders: the seas, mountains, endless patches of greenery, and all of the amazing creatures that inhabited it; the most interesting among these being the humankind. They differed among other creatures in the sense that their fate had not yet been written in the whole of the cosmos. They had been deemed as the caretakers of their own destiny upon being granted the gift of free will. Of course, I, as every heavenly body should know, recognized that in the billions of years since their appearance on the planet, man had never once used this precious gift wisely.

I’ve seen centuries of warfare, hatred, and greed exhibited by the whole of mankind. All of those horrid acts would have been simply unbearable to observe if it weren’t for the only pure emotion left untainted within the human heart, despite years of wrongdoing: love. I gazed on, completely and utterly entranced by this incredibly beautiful thing called love that blossomed into an unconditional, unexpected, and uncontrollable bond that intertwined the fates of two people. My entire being ached with envy, and the light shining within my soul began to dim; for as beautiful a thing as it was, I knew that love was something I could never have.
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© 2009 imagine27

This is a stretch as far as creative ideas are concerned, but I think it could make for the early beginnings of a great love story.
Please let me know what you got from this piece, because all of your input could really inspire me to continue with my writing.
All comments are appreciated!!!
I look forward to hearing your opinion. :)