Sell Your Soul Under the Lights

See All Those Familiar Faces Crowding In My Mind

It made Joseph slightly nervous just thinking about what he had done. He couldn’t believe that he had finally gotten the courage to ask her to somewhere. There was only ten minutes until her shift ended.

Lewis was already smashed and grinding against anything that moved beside him, that he was really thankful for. Man, he’s a little whore. Joseph’s thought to himself made him smile lightly. There was a girl that was looking in his direction but he averted his glance. He had his eyes on one girl an that girl was coming soon.

“Come on, why aren't you dancing with any of the ladies? You're cramping my style.” Lewis said with a smirk on his lips. With all the alcohol in his system he was becoming attracted to the slightly younger man.

“At one Samantha finishes her shift and I’m going to take her out somewhere.” Joseph said with a proud smile on his lips. He was proud to say that. Lewis just looked at him skeptically.

There was an off tone in Lewis’s voice at Joseph noticed almost immediately. “Are you sure about this? Do you even know anything about her? She’s not a dream girl barbie. She has issues, issues that you don't need to get involved with.”

Now Joseph was more than confused. He thought that Lewis and Samantha were friends, what was going on? “What are you talking about Lewis? Samantha is one of your close friends, why are you saying things like that?”

“Stop harassing my date Lewis.” Joseph couldn't deny how that had made hi slightly happy when she had called him her date. The blond smiled at the two other men and told Lewis to take it easy and then the two had left for who knows where.

After driving for twenty minutes, Joseph smiled and thought of a good place to go. Samantha smiled and laughed loudly when she had saw the large bell sign. “I thought that you would be hungry.”

Samantha smile as she thought of him caring for her. She wondered why he did because most guys just wouldn't. “Well thank you so much.” Joseph only nodded his head with a smile and opened the door for her.

“So what do you want to eat?” Samantha told him her order as she walked over to the corner booth.

Once the food was done and taken to the table, they started eating. Joseph loved the fact that Samantha was a girl with an appetite. She wasn't the type of girl to buy a salad. “Why are you just looking at me like that?”

There was an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of Samantha’s stomach. The way Joseph had been looking at her made her partially nervous.

“Like what? I just really like that you aren't like most girls. You don't buy a salad just to look as if you care.” Joseph said with a small smile on his face.

“Well thank you I guess. You cant really get a real salad a Taco Bell anyways.” Samantha laughed, but it was a slightly awkward laugh.

An awkward silence was now filling the room around them. Joseph tried to think of some interesting topics, but none came to mind. “How’s life?”

She couldn't help at Joseph’s attempt of a conversation starter. Samantha took a bite of her taco and was still smiling. “Hows my life? Well I mean I’m a stripper at a club and I am so glad that you didn't take me to a bar. It irks me when guys do that, because its like ‘i was just working at one and don't want to go to another one’ so thank you.”

“You are so welcome, and I thought that you might be hungry and its not too fancy, sensing that its around one thirty in the morning.” Joseph said with a matching smile on his lips.

“I’m actually really glad that you cant take me to a fancy restaurant, I places like that. All there are are snobby bitches and assholes with more ego then junk.” Samantha said, she watched as Joseph choked up on this drink. She laughed at him with her eyebrows.

The two began to laugh in unison at what the blond had said. When both calmed down, Joseph spoke. “Why don't we blow this popsicle stand?”

His statement had caused Samantha to snort a little while giggling. Her cheeks immediately began to heat up from the embarrassment. It had been a long time since she had blushed from what a guy had said.

Joseph resisted the urge to grab Samantha’s hand as they walked to his car. Her long blond hair was flowing in the wind and a small smile on her face as she walked. Even though he hadn't known he for that long, he knew that there was some sort of connection between him and Sam.

It was silent in the car as they drove in the streets of Nevada. The flashing lights made it impossible to enjoy the night sky. “So where are we going?”

“I have know idea where we are going, but isn't more about the journey than the destination.” his comment made Samantha smile wide. No guy had ever been this good to her with the option of sex. Her hair was blowing in the wind and she couldn't help but feel happy.

Music was lightly playing in the background of Joseph’s car. “I have a question? What is your favorite thing to do in the world? What helps you escape this city life?”

The personal question blew Samantha off guard. She didn't know how to respond without giving too much about herself. Her mind was reverting all of her answers for something that wasn't too personal.

“Well I love to travel. When I was a little kid, my dad used to take me on his private plane and we’d have a father daughter time, as I grew up that became a close to impossible.”Joseph became slightly confused by her words.

“Your dad has his own private plane?” Samantha’s eyes widened as she mentally slapped her forehead.

There was a slight hesitation before she answered his question. “Oh, did I say his own private plane. its his friend’s family’s plane, but both our families are so close he calls it his.”

Joseph could tell that there was something behind what Samantha was saying, he knew that she was lying almost instantly, but was having too much fun thus far to say anything about it.

Another longer silence made Joseph think about a few things. What was she like? Lewis also made him think about Samantha and what he had said to her. Are you sure about this? Do you even know anything about her? She’s not a dream girl barbie. She has issues, issues that you don't need to get involved with.
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For the past long while I didn't have my stories accessible and just like a month ago, i was able to access them, but then i had school so i couldn't really work on the chapters or anything. I'm so happy that I updated this story so maybe real soon i can update the first chapter of my Carolina sequel. I'm really excited that and i have some more stories in the works. Ohh is anyone a Kellin Quinn(Sleeping with sirens) fan?? because i am, and I'm going to be writing a story with him as the main character. Hope you liked the chapter and hopefully i can update quicker, but i cant guarantee anything.


Therapeutic Gin.