Sell Your Soul Under the Lights

She’s Seductive; She Does it Well

Joseph slowly walked into the apartment building and looked around.

“May I help you with something sir?” A woman at the counter asked him with a confused stare.

“Um…May I have a room to stay in?” He had a nervous smile in his face when the woman grinned seductively. He pushed his glasses up a little and focused on the wall behind the woman.

“You’re in luck. We have a place available just for you.” Joseph stood still when the woman stretched up to get the key trying to unconsciously let him see her butt and walked around to give them to him. He muttered a thank you once the woman told him the directions.

When he got to the apartment room he smiled a little. This is my place, all mine. He thought to himself. Slowly he walked over to the bed and took off his glasses and all articles of clothing except the boxers he was wearing. Once his head hit the pillow he was out like a light.


As soon as Joseph woke up the next morning he groaned. There in his room was the same woman that was at the front desk. His eyes widened and he spoke.

“What are you doing here? In my room?” The woman smiled.

“Hi I’m Lisa and I’m here just to make sure Helga does her job and doesn’t steal anything.” Lisa said pointing at the other woman coming out of the bathroom.

Rubbing his eyes Joseph got out of his bed oblivious to the fact that he was only in his boxers. “What time is it?” All Lisa did was stare at Joseph’s toned body. Once he noticed Joseph went into his bag, pulled out a v-neck, and put it on. “So, as I was saying. What time is it?” Lisa smirked and shook her head removing a dirty thought.

“Oh, it’s three in the afternoon.” She smiled. Joseph shook his head and sighed running a hand through his hair. “Well if you girls don’t mind I’m going to get changed for the day.” He smiled at the two girls and shooed them out the door.

A few minutes of silence later, Joseph walked into his personal bathroom and took a shower. Somehow during this Jenna popped into his mind. The girl that he had loved dearly left him for another guy. Of course that didn’t mean that he never thought of her and she never thought of him, but it’d never work between them. As time passed he decided that they couldn’t be friends so the two of them never spoke again.

Twenty minutes after he got out of the shower he quickly got on some comfy jogging clothes and walked out the door. Jogging hastily out of the lobby Joseph sighed in relief. The Lisa woman was insane and happened to not be paying attention to him.

Music blasted from Joseph’s ipod touch; he ran as fast as he could without stopping for a breath. All the pessimistic thoughts were clearing from his brain and turning into nothing but the wind across his face.

When he was done with that and back in his apartment room he took another shower. Following that Joseph slowly put on some dark skinny jeans and a plaid shirt and headed for the downstairs not looking where he was going.

Suddenly Joseph was on the floor rubbing his hit head, as well as the other guy on the ground. Both men chuckled when they looked at each other. Joseph and the new guy stood up.

“Hi I’m Lewis. Who are you?” Lewis said happily.

“Joe and it’s a pleasure to meet you.” The two men shook hands and walked out the door together. The time was six at night. Joseph gasped and thought wow time does go by fast.

“Well, want to hang out or something.” Joseph shrugged. It’d probably be a good idea to for him make a friend here.

“I’m pretty much new here so I think a tour of Las Vegas would be nice.” He smiled genuinely. Lewis nodded his head and smiled. “You’re in luck than Joe. I just happen to be an expert on my home state; too bad I never passed the tests on it.” They both laughed some more.


The time now was eleven fifty five.

“So,” Lewis had stated. “This is the last stop and the finest place in every guy’s mind.” Joseph looked at the sign above the building and rolled his eyes. Of course it was a strip club, nothing was wrong with that, they were boys after all.

“Don’t you have to be twenty-one to get into these?” Lewis sighed but smiled at Joseph.

“No you just have to be eighteen or older and have identification.” Joseph nodded and pulled his wallet out of his back pocket. “Well come on, we don’t have all night and it’s just about time for the show.” Joseph sighed and did exactly as Lewis did then entered the club.

Lights were flashing from left to right as they walked to a free table. The setting of the building was amazing. It wasn’t like a regular strip club which consisted of just a runway and pole at the end. This place was gorgeous; there was a big set of stairs that looked like they’d be in a ballroom scene in an old time movie, and then there were two poles at the end of the stairs to the sides. As Lewis said ‘the finest place in every guy’s mind’.

Suddenly the colored lights turned off and a white beam glowed to the center of the stairs. From the corner of Joseph’s eyes he saw Lewis’ jaw drop and he slowly followed his gaze.

There in the middle of the stairway under the beam was a girl then the girl opened her mouth.

“The French are glad to die for love.” Joseph couldn’t tear his eyes away from the young woman as she sang. Lewis had told him this was a strip club though this place didn’t seem like one at all; more like a theater house just with more tables and some poles.

He could recognize the song perfectly. It was from the movie Moulin Rouge the Jenna used to make him watch, not that he minded at the time.

Her body was fluid with the music like she was actually Nicole Kidman in the movie. Her performance was fabulous but a little too graphic for Joseph’s liking. The young woman’s corset and hat was in some man’s hands. I bet he feels great, Joseph thought in disgust as a man came to the center of the stage.

“Hello Gentleman,” The portly man said to the crowd. “I hope you men enjoyed that little show and if you’re new here we strongly recommend that you come up to the stage.” I could feel Lewis’ gaze on me, slowly he raised his hand leaving Joseph confused.

“I have one for you right here Ingle!” Lewis yelled to the man. Both of them grinned and suddenly Joseph was being dragged to the side of the stage with Lewis by his side.

“Well we better get Sexy Sammie out here.” All the men in the room cheered making Joseph feel even more disgusted.

Suddenly the girl that had sang the song moments before appeared next to Ingle with a seductive smile on her perfectly shaped lips.

“Hello.” Her beauty shocked Joseph. The young woman was gorgeous no beyond gorgeous; stunning; a goddess. The ringlets in her hair were perfectly still. “I think he’s in a shock.” The seductive smirk was gone and replaced with a regular one.

“Take him to the special room.” Ingle said directly to Sammie. She nodded her head and pulled Joseph into a little red room.

“Who are you?” Joseph asked as soon as the door closed.

“I’ll be who ever you want me to be.” Sammie Purred into Joseph’s ear. His back head suddenly collided with the backboard of the bed.

“I meant your name?” Joseph had said calmly even though on the inside he was a terrible wreck. Sammie hesitated on the thought of whether to tell the truth or not. She decided against it.

“Samantha, that’s my name.” They looked at each other for a moment and Samantha began to crawl on the bed seductively.

Her hands slowly made there way to his belt with ease. Joseph couldn’t deny the fact that he felt a spark when she grabbed his buckle swiftly.

“Wait,” Joseph instantly said putting his hands in front of his growing erection. Samantha looked into his beautiful brown hypnotizing eyes and immediately stopped what she was doing.

A few moments had passed and they still hadn’t said anything to one another. Joseph had opened his mouth a couple of times but nothing had come out.

Steadily, not knowing what to do Samantha moved her hands against Joseph’s hard member that was still covered by the tight denim fabric. He didn’t stop her this time as she gradually pulled down his jeans afraid that something would happen.

When Joseph was fully stripped of all clothing Samantha lightly kissed his toned torso. His moan filled the quiet room.

“You’re beautiful.” Joseph said aimlessly while looking at the ceiling. Samantha smiled and shook her head causing the curly locks to fall in her face. Gently Joseph put his fingers under Samantha’s chin and lifted it up and kissed her soft lips tenderly. The connection between them was and undeniable strength.

Then suddenly there was a loud knock interrupted the two young people. Ingle’s voice boomed through the door.
“Sammie it’s time for another show!” They both sighed as Samantha got off of Joseph’s nearly exposed form. With no time Joseph rapidly put on his garments and opened the door to see both Lewis and Ingle smirking at him.

“How was it?” Lewis had asked him as they were walking towards the exit of the strip club. Joseph didn’t say anything which was driving Lewis insane to no end. When they looked at each other Joseph shrugged his shoulders.

“Come on, your not going to tell me how it went?” He and Lewis were walking into the apartment buildings. Joseph shook his head and walked up the stairs as the guy he met just today would not stop pestering him about it.

“Goodbye Lewis, see you tomorrow.” Joseph waved to him and shut the door in the mans face. Sighing in relief Joseph touched his tingling lips. No one had made him feel that way besides Jenna on their third date and first real kiss and that’s what was scaring him.

I need to see her tomorrow, Joseph thought to himself as he smiled and slowly slipped off his clothes for the second time that morning.
♠ ♠ ♠

I am now aboslutely in love with this story like really, my all time favorite. haha Lewis is a really sexy man, go check out the pic. hehe comments would really be appreciative (:
i want you opinions, tell me what you think


Lovesick Remedy;;