Sell Your Soul Under the Lights

She’s Gonna Let You Go, She’s Gonna Let You Go

The time on Joseph’s clock showed that it was six in the evening. He rubbed his eyes slowly and blinked repeatedly.

It took Joseph a few seconds to realize where he was. The events of late last night and early this morning made him puzzled. All he saw was a big gap in the time space.

At a slow pace, Joseph sauntered over to his bathroom. When he looked in the mirror, it was silent. His hair was a mess as well as his day old clothes. The look in his eyes was indescribable. Everything about him looked lost. He didn’t know what to do about his life now.

Jenna had been right. He needed to think of other careers when he had the chance. Maybe he really should have listened to her?

Inside the shower, Joseph sighed. The feeling of loneliness crowded inside of him. He didn’t know what could possibly make him feel better. He knew his life was a hell hole, but he couldn’t change it; at least not right at the moment.

The shower Joseph had refreshed his mind. Once he put on some lounge around clothing, he plopped on his bed and turned on the television. Today, he decided, was a day where he would not party. His head was still wracking from the last time. The thought of him not heavily drowned in drunkenness made him very content.

Flipping though ransom channels, Joseph stopped. He thought of calling his younger brother, but then decided against it.

The more he thought about it the more he wanted to. Sighing, he picked up his cellular device and dialed the familiar number.

It rang for a few minutes then went to voice mail. He decided not to leave a message.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Joseph stood up slowly and walked over to the door. Lewis stood on the other side smiling.

“This morning was awesome.” He dragged out the word awesome. “I have never seen someone party so hard like you, my main man. You are a natural and not even twenty-one.”

“What had happened earlier?” Just as Joseph had said that, his phone signaled and incoming call.

Joseph paced himself to his phone and answered it without looking at the caller ID. “Hello?”

There was a slight pause on the other side of the phone. “Hey, I’m sorry I couldn’t get to the phone quick enough. I had some random inspiration to write.”

It would be easy for Nick to get back in the music business. With all his passion and determination, it would be simple. Joseph however, didn’t feel the love for it anymore. He didn’t feel the love for anything anymore.

“That sounds nice.” Joseph said. “Have you written anything good?”

Lewis looked at his friend with a confused expression on his face. Joseph shrugged him off with his hand.

“Yeah, I guess. I’m really happy that you called. It’s been really lonely here. Mom is almost always gone. I guess she’s still trying to distract herself from all the pain. It’s getting tiring.” Joseph rolled his eyes.

“What did I tell you? Denise is just a depressed woman. How do you think I feel becoming the blame to her depression?”

Nick was silent for a moment; most likely speechless.

“I’m sorry.” The corners of Joseph’s mouth turned downward. He sat on the bed and Lewis followed him.

“Everything happens for a reason. I can’t change her thoughts and feelings. No matter how much I wish I could. I’m not a killer.”

Lewis’s eyebrows furrowed and his eyes were partially widened. For a few seconds, he tried to figure out what he was talking about. Then he understood what he was talking about.

“Well I have to go because Lewis and I are about to hang out somewhere. I’ll try to call you later.” Nick sighed and Joseph ended the call.

The look on Lewis’s face was partially blank. Joseph shrugged his shoulders and zipped open his duffel bag. He pulled out a pair of tight jeans and plain what v-neck.

Joseph slowly took off the shirt he had picked out earlier. Lewis was staring unnoticed and hungrily at Joseph’s chest.

After he was done changing, Joseph sighed. “I need to breathe. Are you coming with me?” Lewis nodded his head.

In the lobby, Lisa was typing quickly on her laptop. She looked at the two was a smile on her face.

“Hey Joe,” He looked at her with his eyebrows raised. “Can I get your opinion on something?”

Not caring enough, he nodded his head. Lisa turned around and grabbed two dresses. One was tight and black, while the other was bright green and slimming.

“Which one do you like better?” she asked with her eyes filled with hope. Joseph compared the two dresses and decided on the green one. Lisa’s expression changed in a matter of seconds. Asking him the question was an understatement of what preference he liked in women.

Lisa smiled a tight smile and thanked him. The two guys silently left the building and into the fresh air.

Joseph looked up at the sky and sighed in relief. Taking a deep breath, he looked at Lewis and started walking.

After a few minutes, Joseph and Lewis arrived to quaint little diner and grabbed some dinner. There were barely any people in there so it wasn’t like he needed a reason to hide.

“What can I do for you two gentleman?” an old woman asked them. She looked tired and wanted to go home, but the smile didn’t leave her face.

Both boys thought for a minute then decided on the regular burgers and fries. There was minimal talking due to the fact that the food was going in quicker than they could digest it.

Out of nowhere, two teenage girls appeared in front of the men. They both looked up at the same time with burger meat in their mouths. Chewing quickly, Joseph almost choked his food.

“How may I help you?” Joseph said as the two girls glared at him with disgust and anger. He didn’t like the looks they were giving him.

“I can’t believe you did that Joe.” One said in a snotty teenage voice.

Then next one ended up finishing the girl’s sentence. “You broke up with Jenna and broke her heart. We both can’t believe you.”

Joseph resisted the urge to roll his eyes at the pestering teenagers. He didn’t need teenage girls telling him all these things. “That was more than half a year ago and for your information, Jenna and I split because she was cheating on me. She broke up with me, not that it’s any of your business.”

His tone of voice was strong and a tint of wrath was formed throughout it. The two girl’s expressions were still. They left without saying another word.

Once the check was all paid for, Joseph and Lewis were walking again. Joseph groaned out loud. What the girls had said had really put him on edge. A few minutes later he forgot about it.

“So, what happened earlier today?”

Lewis smiled and didn’t answer his question. “I don’t feel like telling you now.”

“Really? Now you’re not going to tell me everything. After all that we’ve done together today. Really?” Joseph looked at his friend with widened eyes.

Lewis shrugged his shoulders as they walked the streets of Las Vegas with all its lights and noise.
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Wow, its really late and I'm tired as Fuck! I need to get this update out though. I wouldn't be able to sleep without doing that. There's nothing really to say right now. lol. usually I have quite a bit to say, but it might be because I'm really tired. Go check out my other stories too, that would make me very happy. I would love you all even more.


Run Devil Run;