‹ Prequel: My Favorite Nightmare

Prey To A Daydream


The night after I took off the necklace, I expected the little wounds to be less livid than before, but they remained the same. A week passed. No results.

I sat at dinner one night, trying to get the lace of my dress to cover up the marks when he asked me what I was doing.

"Just trying to cover up these stupid marks." I said, blushing a little and combing my hair over my shoulder to hide them. He frowned a little and reached forward, brushing my hair back over my shoulder once more, baring the marks to him. I have no idea why I felt shame at their revelation. I looked away.

"There is nothing to be shy of, sweet Melody." He said, his thumb barely brushing the skin of my shoulder as he looked into my eyes. I swallowed shakily and nodded a little. He smiled and stood, going to a drawer that I had not even considered opening, and came back with a small box. He set it on the table before me, sitting back in his chair. I opened it to find a small medical kit. I thanked him in my gentlest voice. He looked to the bathroom, a silent gesture for me to tend to my wounds. I nodded and stood, taking the box to the bathroom. I returned a short while later with a gauze strip covering the little marks. I sat down once more and thanked him. Dinner resumed its usual pace and I listened to my master recount his more interesting tales.

The night wore on as it has a way of doing, and soon, it was nearly morning. My master left me and I started readying myself for bed once more. My existence was a cycle of normality. While normalcy may not have played as large a part as it sounds, the events became normal to me. The thought did not scare me. The fact that I knew not where I was, nor the date, nor the time, did not trouble me. I knew only that I was beneath his roof and as safe as anyone could ask for. I had no idea what my family or friends were doing, only what I happened to do. The rare evenings that I was without my master were passed in solitude, reading the many books that lined the shelves in the room in which I slept. These actions became my life and I did not mind. Not one bit.
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Okay... so it seems like it's rambling again... But at least I updated... Keep the comments coming. All are welcomed. <3 Jordan