No, You May Not Bite the Horse

Vampire Kid

When I got to the house, I sat down and commanded him, "Stay right here."

"You smell good."

"Its my perfume,"

"No its your blood," he said and I laughed.

I went into the other room, where my house phone was. I dialed in the police stations number.

"Hello, how may I help you?"

"I found a kid in the woods,"

"What is your address?"

"623 Andrew Otts,"

"Social services will be sent," she said hanging up.

I was just about to go back to the kid when the phone rang.

"Hello, I cant make in for a week,"

Looks like im with the kid for a week.

Screech! Oh no, was the kidnapper back trying to get him?

I hung up the phone and ran to where I left the kid.

Damn! He wasn't there!

I heard the screech again, and went to the direction it was coming from, it led me outside.

What I saw was treacherous. The kid, Charlie, was on top of a deer. Drinking his blood? I saw fangs... I thought and he also looked thirsty when he was looking at me. He told me my blood smelled good.

"He's a vampire?" I accidentally said out loud.

"Yup," he said getting up from the dead deer and wiping off his mouth.

"How?" I said stunned.

"I toldie you that man bite me,"

I didn't say anything. I believed vampires were real but never met one. I also never heard of a vampire so young. I heard of victims that young, but they were just killed, not turned into a vampire. Why would someone make a kid so young a vampire?

"Are you otays?" he asked.

"Yeah, kiddo," I said.

"May I bite you?" Charlie asked, putting on his cutest face.

"No," I said not being dazed by that face, I was use to it.

"Please?" he asked holding his hands together.

"No, Charlie," I said starting to get angry.

"Pretty please with sprinkles on top? Please, please, please?"

"No,Charlie!" I screamed, and made him upset. So then I calmed down and said, "Bite, equals hurt. I do not want to hurt."

"Then, can I bite the horse?"

This was getting annoying, but at least he asked, right?

"No, you may not bite the horse."

Then the tears came. I went over to him and hugged him. "Oh, Charlie, I don't know what to do with you."

"Well I'm not hungry anymore," he mumbled.
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