No, You May Not Bite the Horse


"Charlie," I said looking up from my book.

"Huh?" He asked, while he stopped poking himself with his teeth.

"I decided about your food diet. You can not bite people, only animals, and no ones pets."

He sighed and I went back to my book.

"Willie you read to me Mitch?" he asked.

"Sure, what do you want me to read?"

"Something about vampires, so I can learn."

"Well, I will tell you what I know. Vampires sparkle in the sun."

"Why don't I?"

"I don't know, I will search it on this site." I said grabbing my laptop. "It says only vampires older then ten sparkle."



"They don't sleep,"

"Oh! That's why I didn't need a nap!"

I went to search for more things, but I cut myself on the laptop.

He zoomed over to me, he was hungry, so not as strong. So I pushed him away with a pillow. He came back towards me. I pushed him away again and ran into the next room locking the door.

"I sorry," He said when he could no longer smell my blood. "Tell me more."

"Some have powers, like reading mines, seeing the future, changing peoples moods, and to make it seem like their is more then one of them. They are almost all very strong and fast."

"Why aren't I very strong and fast?"

"Because you are hungry."

"Why," Is all I heard before I drifted off to sleep.
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I love both of my subscribes! Oh so much! How can i repay u?
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