Status: Changed my mind. It is now a one-shot for a contest.



She lay on the dark hardwood floor, wrists and ankles strapped down in an “X.” She was trying to kick and free her hands, “Please! Don’t hurt me. Daddy has money. He’ll pay you! Just let. Me. GO!” she cried and screamed.

Taylor paced back and forth by the door biting her nails. My eyes slowly followed her movements; watching to make sure she didn’t run.

“I... I don’t know about this,” Taylor stuttered.

“Stop it!” I smacked her upside the head, “She deserves this. You aren’t backing out now!”

She let out a yelp, “I... I’m not sure.”

“I’ll break your pretty little neck,” I threatened, stepping closer to her so I stood just inches from her face. Taylor shut up and stared at her feet.

“Hand me the knife,” I ordered. Taylor hesitated a moment, shot a sympathetic look at the girl who thrashed about on the floor and grabbed the knife, “Thank you.” I walked up to the girl, her eyes widened and she started to struggle more after she saw what I held in my hand, “It’s beautiful, huh?”

“No! Let me go! Please? I’ll... I’ll do whatever you want. Just don’t kill me,” She begged, tears running down her cheeks. There were drops on the floor where her tears had fallen. The makeup she had on had smeared and her hair was all matted from her turning her head side to side.

“Tempting, but no thanks,” I stood over her, one foot on either side of her waist. “If you stay still, it might not hurt so bad,” I suggested. She let out a loud sob as I placed the tip of the blade on her neck. “This is a really beautiful necklace. Who’s it from?” She continued to cry, wasting my precious time, “I said! Who’s it from?” I yelled, swiping the blade across her cheek.

She screamed out, “I.. I got it from my grandma. Right before she,” gulp, “died.”

I looked at her sympathetically, “Oh no. I’m so sorry,” She looked at me, seeing if I really were sorry.

I wasn’t. “Well, you’re about to see her any way. Tell her hi for me, will ya?”

She let out a loud sob, “Please? Daddy will pay you as much as you want!” I put my finger over her lips. “Shh.”

“I think the necklace would look better on Taylor,” I moved the knife under the small chain and pulled it off. She, yet again, screamed. “Enough with the screaming! Shut up!” I slowly moved the tip of the knife down her arm, just hard enough to brake skin. She pursed her lips together to stop from screaming.

I looked at the small amount of blood running down her arm. I caught a drop on the tip of the knife and tasted it. “Mmhmm,” I sighed. The girl gagged and swallowed whatever had came up. I chuckled.

“Please leave her alone,” Taylor cried. My head snapped to her.

“What?” I charged closer to her until I could feel her breath on my cheeks. “You are not leaving, you are not going to drop out now. You leave, I’ll find you and I’ll kill you too,” I growled.

“I.. I’ll go straight to the cops,” Taylor held her head a little higher, trying to be intimidating. I tipped my head back and laughed.

“You really shouldn’t of said that, angel,” I swung my arm across her neck. The blade in my hand made a perfectly straight line across her throat. I watched as the blood started oozing down her neck, chest, throat, and to the floor. The girl tied to the floor screamed out.

Taylor gargled something I could not hear so I leaned closer. When I did, she coughed spraying blood all over my face. “You bitch!” I smacked her again and she fell to the floor. For just a few moments she coughed and sputtered, but soon went still.

“I am getting sick of all the little bitches in the world! You’re over there crying and Taylor had to go and ruin everything. God, women are so… annoying!” I yelled, getting more and more mad by the second. I went back to the girl on the ground.

“What’s your name again?” I asked, crouching down by her head.

“J.. Jan.. Janie,” she managed to stutter.

“Well J…Jan…Janie, it has been a pleasure meeting you,” I stood up and held the knife above her head.

“N.. No! Please, please don’t. My mom and dad, they need me. So do my sister’s and my brother. Please don’t do this, please?” Janie cried.

“What make’s you think they would miss you? For all you know they might throw a party after your funeral. That’s what I'd do if my parents died,” I said, kneeling by her again.

“They would be sad, upset, and out to get the person who did this. They would be after you. Wouldn’t your Mom or dad or anyone from your family miss you?” tears were now silently making their way down her face, making her look like a mess.

“No dear, not all people have as nice of a family as you. My father liked to use me as a punching bag, my mother was too busy getting high or screwing someone on the couch and my brother liked do what mom was doing to those men to me. Now, does that sound like any of them would miss me?”

Janie shook her head no, but said, “You’re brother might.”

“I wouldn’t miss him.”

“But he would still miss you. Don’t you have other family?” I could tell she watched a lot of cop shows. The ones where the victim talks their way out of being murdered. She wasn’t going to do that to me.

I moved the tip of the knife to the dip between her breasts, she started the fountain of tears again. Pushing a little harder than before, I moved it up to her throat. “Pl...Please. D-don’t,” She cried.

“Goodbye, love,” I said, as I plunged the knife down on her throat.
♠ ♠ ♠
Lemme know whatcha think!
I changed it a little... okay a lot, but it's still pretty much the same as when I wrote it in math. x]

Thankies for reading!