Break the Ice

Let's Start, Shall We?

Waiting for Evan to get done with his practice wasn't always as fun as people thought it should be. Sure, I got to see him skate but on days like today when he practiced his long program, I felt like it wouldn't end.

I just stood there watching as I bot bored and decided to work on the dance routine that I had been working on with Wade while I waited. I ran over the moves to the music that was playing in my head. I just didn't realize I had an audience.

"That's some amazing dancing," I heard from the side of me as I looked over to see a boy lacing up his skates next to me.

'Thanks," I smiled at him. I knew who he was but still, I wasn't going to treat him like a celebrity.

"You're waiting on him?" He asked.

"Yeah," I nodded, "Oh but it's not like that, we're really good friends."

"He's good."

"I know," I smiled lightly as I looked at Evan for a second.

"Apolo," He stood up as he stuck out his hand, "Apolo Ohno."

"Melinda Weston," I shook his hand with a smile, "You're a great skater."

"Ah, so you have heard of me?" He nodded with a smile.

"Yes but still, no matter what you're a person."

"That's so true," He laughed as I crossed my arms a bit, "So do you wait around for him all the time?"

"Sometimes," I shrugged, "But he's going to the Olympics, so lately yeah."

"Are you going with him?"

"I am," I smiled.

"Cool," Apolo smiled, "We'll have to hang out up there then."

"That's two weeks from now," I pointed out, "Are you sure you'll come find just a tiny hip hop dancer among all the Olympians?"

"Of course," He smiled as he looked at me, "Unless you don't mind hanging out now."

"I'd love to," I watched Evan skate towards me then heading to the dressing room, "But Evan's finished skating and I promised to take him to dinner."

"I'll be here tomorrow at the same time, if you want to stop by."

"Are you sure?" I questioned as he shrugged.

"Why not? Maybe we could talk some more?"

"Ok," I smiled at him as we went on to talk about random things that we like, things we dislike, etc.

The half an hour it took Evan to get changed went by too quickly in which I told Apolo how I work with Wade as well as him being my best friend. That lead to him telling me about his Dancing with the Stars experience which normally I'd find not interesting but for some reason, everything he said sonded interesting.

"Mel," I heard from behind me as I seen Evan standing there with his skates.

"I gotta go," I looked at Apolo for a second.


"Yeah of course," I smiled as I waved than walked off towards Evan.

"What was that about?" Evan asked as I shrugged.

"Can't jinx it right now," I smiled at him as he just shook his head as we headed out to my car.

"Hey," Evan asked as he got in, "This morning you were mentioning something about going on tour with Enrique this morning?"

"Yeah," I nodded, "I might be going out to dance with him after the Olympics or something, why?"

"Just curious," He smiled as I felt the butterflies stir up.

"Always are," I smirked at him.

"So where are we going to dinner?"

"Doesn't matter," I shrugged, "I know I'm just starving since I havent ate since this morning."

"That makes two of us," Evan laughed as he turned on the radio as we decided where to go eat.