Break the Ice

Tension Everywhere

Imported snow. It's one of the most interesting concepts ever.

Well whatever had to be done right? Right. Which was a good thing since after breakfast, Evan decided to head outside to walk around with me before I went to hang out with Apolo. Evan started a snowball fight as we were tossing snow at each other.

"Evan!" I screeched as he shoved snow down my jacket as I chased after him.

"Haha," Evan shouted as I went to jump on his back as I smashed a snowball into his hair as he laughed.

People walking by smiled and shook their heads as they watched us. Some saying "cute couple" in which we just laughed at but kept being crazy. Evan sat me down as he brushed the snow off me while smiling as I shivered slightly.

"Dude, not cool, it's so cold."

"It's just snow," He smirked as I rolled my eyes.

"It's still cold."

"Aww," Evan smirked at me, "Are you going to melt?"

"Shut up," I punched him as he flinched and rubbed his arm.

"Ow. You punch like a guy."

"Thank you," I smirked at him.

"I'm not sure that's a good thing," He looked at me as shoved him lightly.

"Maybe you're just too girlie."

"Hey!" Evan looked at me as I smirked at him again.

"You started it."


"Jerk," I pouted up at him as brushed a piece of snow off me again.

There was a silence between the two of us as Evan leant into me as our lips were not far from each others, my heart racing.

"Sorry," He whispered, "You're not manly."

Just as the space was about to close between us, the one person who I didn't want to hear their voice decided to be known.

"Evan!" She yelled in a too happy mood.

"Nastia?" Evan asked as he pulled away from me.

"Nastia," I mumbled as Evan walked towards her as I rolled my eyes.

"I didn't think you'd be here yet," He hugged her.

"I thought I'd surprise you," She smiled as she looked at me, "Hey Melinda."

"Hey," I looked the other way, "Evan, I'm going to go find Apolo."

"But we were having fun," Evan smiled at me as I nodded.

"Why don't you go show her around?" I shrugged, "I'll be fine."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, go have fun," I smiled at him as he walked off with her as I glared at her back.

I started walking just in a random direction when I heard someone run up to the side of me.

"Hey you," I heard his velvety voice coo in my ear as I half melted as I looked at him.


"You look down," Apolo looked at me as I shrugged.

"I'm ok, just thinking."

"Well hey, short track is open for a bit. Wanna come watch me take a few practice laps?"

"Sure," I shrugged as he smiled.

"Then maybe we could just hang out or something before our date tonight."

"Sounds good," I smiled at him.

"Great," He smiled, "My dad's already at the stadium. Will you be ok if I introduce you to him today?"

"Your dad?"

"Relax, I told him about you," He smiled, "And he's seen the reports. I don't think you've met him formally yet."

"I guess," I shrugged as Apolo put an arm around my shoulder.

"He likes you. He said you make me happy and that's all that matters."


"Of course," Apolo smiled as he kissed my cheek.


Apolo walked me into the arena as he went to change as I waited for him outside the dressing room when he finally appeared as I smiled at him.

"Relax, deep breaths," He whispered in my ear as his free hand took mine, "You'll love my dad."

Apolo walked me to the seats where an older man was sitting in a chair with a notebook as Apolo cleared his throat. He turned to look at us as he stood up with a smile on his face as Apolo smiled at him.

"Dad, this is Melinda, and Melinda this is my dad, Yuki."

"It's nice to meet you," I smiled at him as he shook my hand.

"You make my son happy," He smiled at me as Apolo rolled his eyes slightly, "He's less stressful."

"I'm glad," I smiled back at Apolo as he looked like an embarassed kid, "He makes me happy too."

"I'm glad," He nodded as he motioned for me to take a seat, "Sit, sit."

"Ok," I looked at Apolo as he nodded.

"I'll only do a few practices runs," He smiled at me as I shrugged.

"No problem."

As Apolo took the ice, I talked to Yuki a bit about me, dancing, how I got to living with Evan and his family, then he told me about Apolo and how serious he is about speed skating. Yet he still gushed about how he was happy Apolo still found someone despite the training schedule that he was on.

"I understand," I smile at him, "I'm busy with dance so much that I can understand a hectic schedule."

"That's good," He smiled at me again, "Apolo needs someone like you."


Apolo skated over to us on the side as he caught his breath, his jumped unzipped a bit as my eyes traveled down but thankfully neither one of them caught onto this.

"You look exhausted."

"I'm fine," He shook his head with a smile, "You ready to get out of here?"

"As long as you," I smiled at him as he nodded.

"You ok with that dad?" Apolo asked as he smiled.

"Go on and get out of here," He shook his head as Apolo skated off to go change as I waited for him with his dad now.

"Don't forget your race tonight," His dad mentioned as Apolo took my hand as other people passing by smiled at us.

"I won't," Apolo waved as we headed out the door to the sorta cloudy day that was upon us now.

"So where to?" I asked as he shrugged.

"Doesn't matter."

"Well I haven't had time to dance lately. You wanna come help me work on a routine?" I questioned as he shrugged.

"Sounds good to me."

"Excellant," I smiled at him as we hurried back to the hotel room, "Besides I'm freezing."

"I noticed, your fingers are cold."

"Yeah I left my gloves in the room and Evan decided to have a snowball fight."

"Here," Apolo stuffed them into his pocket, "Better?"

"Yes," I smiled as we started walking together when I seen the one person I was hoping to avoid since he was an enemy, "Oh no."

"What?" Apolo asked as he looked at my face.

"Don't look at him," I mumbled as I tried to avoid him but it didn't work.

"Melinda Weston," He sneered as I stopped to let out a heavy sigh.

"Johnny Weir."