Break the Ice

Keep It Secret

Once I finally calmed back down, Evan took me with the rest of his family to breakfast. I knew my make up ran but I didn't care. As we were walking towards our destination, Ben Agosto, stopped me.

"Hey," I smiled at him since I never had a problem with him, "What's up?"
"Tanith wants to talk to you," He sighed a bit.
"No clue," He shrugged as he looked at me, "I think she's tired of fighting with you."
"Um, ok," I looked at him, "Tell her as soon as breakfast is over, I'll stop by."
"Will do."

I sighed as I caught back up with Evan as our fingers laced which his parents didn't see. Tanith and I used to be friends, really good ones but then she started dating Evan after I told her I liked him and that's when our fallout happened.

Evan smiled at me as we walked together, his warm hands against my cold ones from the winter wind today. Once at the the table, Evan pulled out my chair for me, which was super sweet that his sisters noticed. I decided to eat light since I wasn't too hungry right now as mainly talk over breakfast played out.

"So, Mel," Evan's mom started, "Are you dating Apolo now?"
"Yeah," I shrugged as I felt Evan place a hand on my thigh, "But it's nothing serious, just dating."
"Evan mentioned something about you going out on tour with Enrique?"
"Oh yeah," I nodded with a smile, "Once Olympics are over. It's an Europe Tour. I'm pretty stoked about it."
"Congrats sweetheart," She smiled as I nodded.
"Thank you but now it's all about Evan, here," I smiled as I looked at him, "It's super exciting, watching my best friend."
"Dude," Christina started at us, "You two look all starry eyed at each other."
"Oh," I cleared my throat as did Evan.
"How's breakfast?" Evan asked as he tried to change the subject.

Soon after breakfast, Evan decided to show his family around some more as I stopped him outside the buidling and told him about the Tanith thing.

"So, I guess I'll talk to you later?" He asked as he played with my fingers as I nodded.
"Yeah," I reached up on my tippy toes to kiss his lips lightly, "Wish me luck."
"Good luck," He smiled as I headed to the direction of the lobby where I was meeting Tanith as I was nervous about what she wanted to talk about.

I was just glad that it was in a public place, so in case one of us get's mad, there will be witnesses as to who started it. I seen her sitting at a table next off in her own world as I sat in the chair across from her.

"Tanith," I nodded at her as she smiled at me.
"Thanks for coming."
"You know, it is a bit strange that you have Ben tell me, you need to talk to me as I'm about to go to breakfast with Evan."
"I know, I'm sorry. It's just I didn't know how else to talk to you."
"So why'd you want me here?" I questioned as I leant back in the chair as she smiled lightly.
"We used to be such good friends. What happened?"
"You stabbed me in the back, Tanith," I glared at her a bit, "I mean I did tell you I was going to tell Evan how I felt that night and you go and started dating him."
"That didn't stop you."
"Yes it did," I rolled my eyes, "My heart would've broke worse then it did and then he was happy."
"But you found Toby."
"I did," I nodded, "He picked up the broken pieces of my heart."
"I'm sorry, I just I didn't know you felt so strongly about that."
"I'm over it," I shook my head as I thought of how things were working out lately.
"Could we maybe, be friends again?"
I looked at her for a second as I thought it out, "I did miss hanging out with you."
"So?" She smiled at me.
"Ok," I stuck my hand out at her, "Friends."
"Friends," She smiled as we shook hands as I settled back into the chair again, "So, I hear you're seeing that cutie Apolo?"
"Dating," I nodded as I twirled a loose piece of hair.
"There's someone else, isn't there?"
"No," I rolled my eyes but of course she knew me better.
"Nuh uh, come on, spill it."
"No, because you can't keep a secret," I rolled my eyes as she smirked.
"Pretty please with a cherry on top?" She pouted as I sighed with an eye roll at her innocence.
"Promise not to say a word to anyone? Your roommate included?"
"Cross my heart," She smiled as she crossed her heart.
"Evan," I sighed as I slumped on my elbows on the table to look at her.
"No way," Her eyes went wide, "Crush like, or what?"
"Or what," I mumbled as the smile grew on my face.
"No way, girl. You so better spill."
"It's nothing."
"Nothing my ass," She rolled her eyes, "Did you kiss him?"
"Oh yeah," I nodded as she looked all giddy.
"Did he kiss you back?"
"In more than one place," I mentioned quietly as she let out a squel.
"Come on, I need details," She smiled as I moved my shirt a bit so she could see the marks Evan left.

"Is that-" She gasped as I nodded.
"When'd that happen?"
"Last night," I nodded at her, "Well those ones at least."
"How far have you gotten?" She questioned as I found myself opening up to her like I used to be able to do.
"Well as of last night-"
"Oh my god," She didn't let me finish since her eyes went wide and her mouth dropped, "Did you and Evan?"
"Yes," I nodded as a blush crept across my face.
"Aww, that's so cute."
"Shut up," I blushed as her smile was still there.

"But it's super cute, you and Evan. Evan and you."
"Not a word to anyone, do I make myself clear?"
"Crystal," She smiled as I shook my head then stood up, "Where are you going?"
"Back to my room. Evan's got practice and I said I'd go watch him."
"Alright, I better hear more about this later."
"Maybe," I smirked as I waved goodbye to her than headed up to mine and Evan's room.

I ended up crashing on the couch a bit, just looking at the ceiling, trying to let everything that happened between the two of us, sink in. That's when I heard the door to the room open and Evan's body slide through it. I heard him put down some keys then take a coat off as he walked past the couch to seen me laying there. Slowly he lowered his body down to mine as I smiled up at him.

"How was the family?"
"Nosy," He rolled his eyes at me, "What'd Tanith want?"
"To apologize for everything," I brushed his hair back, "So, we're friends again."
"I guess that's a good thing."
"It is," I smiled lightly as pushed some hair out of my face too.
"So how are you? I mean after this morning?"
"Better," I nodded at him, "Thank you for being there."
"No problem," He smiled at down at me.
"I so want to kiss you."
"Makes two of us," He smirked as his lips met mine.

That one kiss turned into a few small, shorter, quicker kisses, when his tongue found it's way past my lips. I moaned into his kiss a bit just as he pulled away from me to get air.

"I got to get ready for practice."
"I know," I smiled up at him as he slowly removed his body from mine.
"If I'm not busy," I shot him a smirk as he rolled his eyes.
"Mel, you drive me crazy, you know that?"
"Sorry," I smirked at him as he helped me up from the couch.

There was a pause between the two of us as I reached up to kiss him again as he kissed back, me tugging on his shirt when his hands went to my wrists.

"We've got to stop this or we'll never leave this room."
"I like that plan," I smiled as he kissed my forehead one quick time.
"My sisters are waiting for you in the lobby," He pulled me into them, "They wanted to hang out with you while."
"I better not keep them waiting then," I smiled as I headed towards the door.

Once I got to the lobby, I seen Evan's sister waiting for me as I went to join them. Just as I did, I seen Apolo walking over to us, hands in his pockets and a smile on his face. It was cute, but my mind was clouded with other thoughts as he kept his direction in which I knew he was coming to talk to me.