Break the Ice

I Knew I Loved You

"Melinda," Apolo walked over to me, "Hey, sorry for blowing you off like that the other day."

"It's ok," I shook my head as I looked at him, "What's up?"

"Um, I didn't know where were we stood now-"

"Dating," I smiled lightly at him, "Just, I don't think we should rush into things, ok?"

"Ok," He nodded as he sighed, "Hey, are you doing anything later?"

"Um, I might be, why?"

"I thougth maybe, we could just hang out for a bit," He shrugged.

"I'll let you know," I smiled as I looked at him, "I'll call you later."

"Ok," He smiled then kissed my cheek, "Later Melinda."


I smiled as he walked off as I didn't want to lose him as friend or something but my heart was still to Evan right now. Laura and Christina looked at me as I shrugged since they probably caught on to something going on.

"What was that about?" Laura asked.


"You blowing off Apolo," She pointed out.

"Oh, um, I just had things I've got to do tonight," I started walking to have them follow me.

"Like?" She aksed as I shrugged.


"So what's up with you and my brother?" Laura questioned as Christina looked towards me with all her attention.

"What do you mean?"

"Aww, come on," Christina rolled her eyes, "You two are looking at each other with starry eyes."

"Nothing," I shook my head with a smile, "You two are just paranoid."

"Uh huh," Laura nodded as we continued we headed outside.

"Dude, will you stop trying to over analyze everything?" I rolled my eyes when I heard snickering.

I spent the day just hanging out with the two of them, in Vancouver. Mainly they wanted to take me shopping since they said they haven't seen me in forever, being in LA and all. In the end, it was nice, especially since I could talk to them about dance and they were interested in it. Evan had practice around 4 which we all headed towards the arena to find them already dressed for his practice.

I took a seat in the seats close to the edge of the ring as I admired Evan from that spot. He was amazing, they way he was always so focused on his routines, listening to his coach, everything. He was still breathtaking, as I watched him move around the ice gracefully. My heart swelled with butterflies which I could've sworn anyone sitting next to me or around me could hear them pounding against my chest.

It was a feeling that I never felt before, it scared me yet at the same time, it was exciting. It just made Apolo asking me out earlier today even harder to make a decision on. I just didn't want to hurt him but I couldn't leave Evan, that just wasn't in my list of options anymore.

I watched Evan for the next hour or so, I ended up losing track of time, just knew that both Christina and Laura left since they said they wanted to get some sleep. Watching everyone on the ice made me want to come back out there again. Sure, Apolo brought me on the ice that one day but now, I just wanted to be on it again. I missed it, even with loving my dance to death.

Evan finished his practice as people were starting to leave. I headed back to the room before he got back, to start reading a magazine article when I heard him come back in the room.

"Hey," I looked back at him then my article, "You were amazing at practice."

"Thanks," He sat his things down then walked over to me to drape his arms around my shoulders, "Whatcha reading?"

"Eh, just stuff on dance," I shrugged as he rested his head on my shoulder, "What's up?"

"You seem so jaded today," He mentioned as I shrugged as I could feel that smile grow on his face, "I know what you need."

"What?" I turned to look at him.

"Come on," Evan stood up which I followed but was still confused at where he was going with his train of thought.

"Evan, what are you doing?"

"Do you trust me?" He smiled while holding out his hand.

"Of course."

"Then come with me," He took my hand as I followed him out the door again.

Evan lead me to the skating arena again which was now empty since everyone went to rest or something. So it wasn't in use today as we began walking towards it. The night sky had quickly fallen over the town as well, causing to be colder than before. Evan didn't seem to take notice as he lead me through the building then down to to where he was for practice.

"Evan?" I questioned as I looked up at him as he smiled then held up a pair of ice skates.


"What?" I questioned again but that smile still kept on his face.

"I want to dance with you."

"We could've done that at the room," I rolled my eyes.

"I seen the way you looked at the ice earlier. Promise, I won't let anything bad happen to you."

"Fine," I sighed taking the skates then sitting down to lace them up.

Soon as they were strapped onto my feet, Evan led me out to the ice, slowly. His smile never left his eyes or face as he left me for a second to skate over to a boombox then push play. I heard the sounds of "Hungry Eyes" float over to me as I rolled my eyes when Evan skated back up to me.

"Come on," Evan helped up his arms, "I know you still know this by heart."

Slowly moving through the once forgotten routine, I found myself getting lost with Evan, like we were the only two on the ice or in the whole Vancouver area. After the lift, Evan sat me back down as I turned to look into his eyes. It felt as my world stopped while looking into his eyes.

His lips soon found mine as I softly returned the kiss back to him then wrapped my arms around his neck. We weren't aware of it as we were lost in the kiss but some by-passing people and athletes walked by to stop and stare at us. One of them, being Nastia who was going to talk to Evan about something but stopped shortly when she seen us locked in the kiss.

I broke away from Evan with a smile as he took my hand and we went to take our skates off then head back to the room. On our way there, Evan stopped to get some warm cappachino which made me feel so much better, especially since the warmth helped to keep the chill off.

"Thanks for that, Evan," I smiled up at him in the hallway of our room now as he found his key.

"No problem. I knew you missed being on the ice and you were never one to just ice skate."

"You know me too well," I smirked as he opened the door and let me in.

"That I do," He smirked as we both headed to the couch to finish our hot chocolate.


"Hmm?" I mumbled while sipping down the warm liquid.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course you," I smirked a bit, "You can always me anything, you don't have to ask."

"A while ago, I know you might not remember but you said you'd want to have my babies."

"I remember," I giggled, "I said it a lot to you before."

"Yeah, I know, it's just-"


"Were you serious, or just joking around?" He watched me as I sat my cup down.

"If I was serious, would you hate me or think differently of me?"

"No," He shook his head.

"I'm serious," I smiled lightly as I twirled a piece of hair in my fingers, "I meant it."

"For real?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Just wondering," He shook his head.

"Nuh uh," I shoved him lightly, "You so didn't just bring up that idea because you were wondering."

"Ok," He sat his cup down now to look at me, "What if I told you, I thought about giving you one?"

"It's crossed my mind," He smiled lightly.

"Wow," I was speechless for a second, "We're crazy, you know that right?"

"Of course. But, would you object to it?"

"Right now, in my career, yes," I nodded slowy, "But I mean ask me after this Enrique tour if I'm not doing anything, and maybe it'll change."


"Sure," I shrugged, "Promise you the first baby I'll ever have is yours."

"Yeah right," He rolled his eyes with a scouff.

"Hey, if I'm still totally into you like now, that it'll happen."

"You know," Evan started to smile again, "If my family knew we were discussing having a baby together, I think they'd kill us."

"Oh, I know," I rolled my eyes, "Right after they'd ask if we were crazy."

"So," Evan sighed as he looked at me, "What do you want to do?"

"Well two things," I giggled again, "But since it's still early, wanna player poker with me?"

"We've only got two people," He pointed.

"I know," I shrugged, "But I was thinking of heading over to the snowboard camp tomorrow and starting a huge game later on during our time. So practice won't hurt right?"

"Get the cards," He shook his head with a smile as I got up quickly to go find them.