Break the Ice

I Hate Boys

I'm so not liking Enrique right now.

He called me while I was hanging out with Evan in Vancouver to work on a show in Chicago. Sure, I loved Chicago but I didn't want to leave Evan. I knew it broke his heart probably more than it did me.

And it wasn't exactly Enrique's fault either, he understood that I wanted to spend time with Evan and the one I was reported to be with right now, Apolo, but he said he needed me. Even with my grumbling, I still found myself at the venue in which Enrique was soundchecking, going over a few of the dancer's moves. If you couldn't tell, I was now his choreographer since his original just quit.

"Alright, 10 minute break people!" I shouted as they all went to get water and I went to check my phone.

"No, new messages," I mumbled as I took a sip of water.

"Expecting a call?" Enrique asked while taking a seat on the amp next to me.

"Yes and no. Maybe a text," I shrugged.

"From Evan's family?"

"Or Apolo?" I shrugged again putting my phone back.

"I'm really sorry about bringing you out here, Mel," He looked at me as I shook my head.

"You're choreographer quit. What can you do about it?"

"You're not mad?"

"I was," I sighed as I let out a breath, "But I mean, there's nothing you can do. And I'm a choreographer, this is my job."

"I still need you for my main girl part on a few songs."

"I know," I smiled lightly at him.

"You know you sound mad."

"I'm annoyed," I half glared at him, "It's more annoying to me, just let me vent a bit, ok?"

"Ok," He nodded as he hopped off the amp then I went back to working on choreography.

The show didn't seem to last that long. It was like I blinked a few times and it was over. Not to mention, it was snowing like crazy now. I was supposed to be on a flight tomorrow morning back to Vancouver but with the storm that was said to come this way and what was going on right now, I wasn't sure if I'd make it back to Vancouver to see Evan like I planned.

Just as everyone was rushing off the stage, I took my phone out of my pocket which was hidden the whole time, just as it started ringing.

"Hello?" I caught my breath.

"Mel," I heard Evan's beautiful voice.

"Hey, what's up? I'm sorry I can't be there."

"I know. Can I talk to you?"

"Yeah sure, what's up?" I asked while walking somewhere more quiet.

"You have to be completely honest with me."

"Ok, what?"

"I heard from a few people that you were seeing Toby again."

"What?" I questioned as I stopped.

"Some people, I'm not going to name names, they said you and Toby were back together."

"They're wrong, you know that right?"

"You see, Mel, that's what I don't know."

"What are you talking about?"

"How do I know you're in Chicago with Enrique?"

"Oh my god!" I couldn't believe what was happening, "You've got to be joking right?"

"Nastia mentioned that she heard you-"

"That bitch is lying."

"That bitch is my friend."

"Who you're listening to about lies!"

"Well, where are you?" Evan questioned.

"In Chicago! Like I told you. I'm not back with Toby."

"Is Toby there?"

"No!" I shouted a little too loudly as I rolled my eyes, "Do you want to talk to Enrique? He'll tell you."

"You didn't answer the phone for a while today."

"Because I was doing my fucking job!" I seethed into the phone, "Enrique just lost his choreographer, so that's what I've been doing. I'm Enrique's choreographer. I'm not seeing Toby! I'm not fucking someone else!"

"I just think it'd be better for me if we maybe took a break."

"Goddammit, Evan!" I snapped as I was beyond pissed now, "You know what? Call me when you fucking realize that you've been lied to."

I hung up my phone to feel my heart breaking as I knew everyone around me could hear what was going on. I felt a hand on my shoulder as I let out that frustrated sigh to turn to see Enrique.

"Can I buy you a drink?" Enrique asked as I shrugged then nodded.

"Maybe two?"

"Come on," He smiled motioning to me, "You sound like you could use someone to talk to right now."

Enrique took me to a bar not far from my hotel and well his hotel as the snow was starting to cover the familiar streets of Chicago. I drowned my sorrows in a gin and tonic while Enrique sat next to me with a smile on his face after I told him the story of what was going on.

"Poor Apolo," He shook his head with that smile still playing at his lips.

"I know right?" I swallowed the last of my drink, "But both of them started this stupid shit."

"Well despite what's been happening to you, we're not all like that."

"I know," I nodded at him, "Rob and Wade are my best friends and Wade's wife is totally amazing. I'm just falling for the wrong ones."

"He'll realize that what he's doing is wrong."


"Come on, you can't tell me that Britney didn't do something to piss Evan off that bad?"

"Eh," I shrugged, "Not really. But Toby, yeah, Toby's pissed Evan off so much."

"See," He smiled at me, "Now you know how he felt."

"Do you think it was wrong for me to yell at him like that?"

"No," He shook his head while my phone beeped, "You had every right to."

Evan's in third after the first program

I smiled lightly then went back to Enrique, "He's in third."

"See," Enrique smiled, "I knew you could smile again."

"Yeah," I looked out at the snow to see it getting worse, "We should be getting back. It's snowing more."

"It doesn't look like you're going to get out of here tomorrow."

"Which sucks," I mumbled but stood up with Enrique, "I wish I could go back."

"Are you going to be ok?"

"Not really?"

"If you want, I can come you company," He shrugged as I got a look in my eye, "Friend wise, I mean Anna wouldn't be so happy if I did anything with you."

"Can't have that," I laughed as I nodded, "But I'd like that. Just someone there to talk to."

"And to make you laugh," He pointed out.

"Then maybe I can talk to you more about choreo?"

"So professional," He rolled his eyes then tossed an arm around my shoulders as we headed up to my hotel room.

I went to find some music with me since I didn't feel like watching TV at the moment, which Enrique took the time to use the bathroom. I took out my phone to call Wade since I needed to talk to him and Britney wasn't returning calls right now. It rang a couple times before going to his voicemail which took a while for him to say his deal before it beeped.

"Wade, it's Mel. Hey, um, call me back when you get this call. I really need to talk to you. I'm not doing so good, it's Evan, and stress, and well you know the other part. I'm keeping myself occupied but I can feel myself slipping again. Call me back, ok?"

I hung up the phone as I sighed again while running a hand through my hair. I don't know why but I could feel myself slipping back into my depression again and it wasn't a place that I wanted to go. It was a dark place, one too dark and cold for me to dig myself back out of.