Break the Ice

Come Back to Me

People had been calling me all night but I didn't want to answer my phone. Well, Wade hadn't called me back or Evan to apologize but I still wasn't talking. Enrique went back to his hotel since the European tour wasn't starting til the end of the Olympics, which meant I could leave. But the snow falling heavier by the minute made it damn near impossible to get anywhere right now.

I layed on the bed, flat on my stomach as I watched my phone, the faint sound of the Chicago news playing in the background. Reports kept coming in about Evan, about the Olympic sports, it made my heartache. Mainlyl hearing about Evan. I was supposed to be there when he placed, be the one who gave him that hug as soon as he left the ice. But no, that was Nastia and now the media attention their relationship was getting. That's when the news turned to some repeat of Two and a Half Men.

I didn't really watch it but my phone rung out amongst the repeat of the show as I looked at the flashing screen. Apolo

Debating if I should answer or not, I went with my first option then picked up the phone.


"Hey Melinda," I could hear a smile in his voice as I knew it was nothing more than friendly.


"How's Chicago?"

"Ok," I shrugged, "Half my Blackhawks are on different teams right now so it's weird trying to go for just one."

"Ok. Hey, um, there was talk that you and Evan got in a fight. You are ok?"

"Yeah," I sighed lightly hoping he didn't catch on, "We'll work on it."


"Hey, Apolo?"


"I know it might seem rude since we kissed and all but do you think we could just be friends for a while? I mean I like you and everything, it's just-"

"No need to explain babe," I could hear a smile echo off his voice, "I figured there was some other reason for not wanting to do something."

"So, you're ok with it?"

"Yeah. Just you know I'm always here if you need anything."

"Thank you."

"Well hey, I better let you go. It's late and I need my sleep."

"Alright, night Apolo."

I hung up my phone, feeling a bit better about somethings. But that still didn't hide the fact that I missed Evan, that I wanted to be near him, feel him breath, hear his heartbeat, everything. Flicking through the channels to find something on other than love, my phone rang again, only this time it was Wade.

"Mel, you're scaring me. What's going on?" He questioned while I could feel my heartbreak.

"Everything. Me and Evan fighting. Me being stuck in Chicago with no way back to Vancouver because of snow," I sniffled a bit while thinking of the other reason, "And I miss him, so much."


"Yeah and I know it's bad but I can feel myself slowly going back to that depression."

"Have you talked to Janet in a while?"

"No," I shook my head, "I don't know where to start. I just know it'll all come rushing out and then I don't want to depress her."

"You know she'll talk to you," Wade calmed me down a bit, "I know it's hard but we'll get through it."

"I hope so," I pushed back a few tears, "I just, I don't know. Sometimes I feel stuck."

"I know," He sighed while the line got silent for a bit, "I wish I could give you a hug now."
"Sucks to be on the phone, huh?"

"Yeah," He chuckled then went to keep my mind off the subject, "So what are you and Evan fighting about?"

"It's complicated," I shrugged picking at the comforter on the bed, "He can just be so dense sometimes."

"And I'm sure he thinks you're hot headed."

"Always," I snickered a bit to look at the clock, "Hey, I'm going to go. I'm hoping the snow stops so I can leave in the morning."

"Ok, no more thinking tonight, ok?"

"Ok," I nodded as I said my goodbyes to Wade.

I took a quick shower then headed to bed just to get some sleep to hopefully get on a plane back to Vancouver.

When I woke up that morning, the entire city looked like it was covered in a sheet of white but since I called about my flight beforehand, O'Hare managed to get their runways clear and my flight was leaving on time. It made me smile while the cab drove me to the airport. In a few short hours, I was going to see Evan again, even if he was still mad at me.

Those few hours felt like forever, even the ride to the Olympic village in which my leg wouldn't stop twitching or my heart would stop racing either. Once the cab pulled in front of mine and Evan's building, my heart speed up, causing me to quickly jump out of the car, then pay the cabbie.

My mind just wanted to run up the stairs to our room but it was a bit hard since I had to carry all my bags I took with me. I opted for the stairs today just because the elevator was moving too slow.

Finally getting to the hall, I walked as fast as I possibly could to get to our room number. I quckly knocked on the door to then hear the chains and locks move as my body started to shake.

Once the door was open and I seen Evan's frame appear in front of me, I dropped my bags to jump on him, hoping he'd catch me. Taking his face in my hands while his arms went around my waist as I kissed him deeply. I felt Evan start to kiss back when I broke away from him to look into his eyes.

"I'm so sorry," He looked at me sincerly.

"Me too."

"You have nothing to apologize for," He smiled lightly, "I was the jerk."

"I shouldn't of yelled at you like that."

"It's done and over with, " His smiled brightened but his voice was whispered.

"Why are you so quiet?"

"Christina and Laura are over," He sat me down as I nodded.

"Did they see that?"

"I don't think so?" He shook his head while grabbing my bags and leading me into the room again.

"Melinda?" I heard Laura once I walked into the room.

"Hey guys," I smiled at them.

They both ran up to me to hug me with hug smiles on their faces. Evan just shook his head while taking my bags back to his room. I listened to them ramble on and on about what I've missed, then that they were glad I was back to see Evan skate long program tomorrow. Evan finally got them out of the room as I smiled at him.

"So, what's up?" I questioned while he shrugged.

"I'm still tired."

"I know," I nodded at him, "Me too."

"Come on," He smiled as he lead me to his bedroom, "Let's get some rest."