Break the Ice

I've Got Something To Say

Evan's world had been a buzz the second he got that gold medal. I was lucky to have my time with him when I did in his room because since then, I hadn't seen him. There was so much news buzz about him, how he was dating, is he dating Nastia? That sort of thing. Not to mention, I was now getting calls to ask about that kiss and to congradulate him as well.

Admist all that, I got a call from Orianthi, one of Michael's band members that would've happened on that tour. We'd been friends for a while and now her call made sense as to why Toby had been calling me.

"Hey," Orianthi smiled into the phone, well I knew she was since she was so bubbly most the time.

"Hey what's up?"

"Did Toby get a hold of you lately?"

"Evan's mom said he called at the house where she lived but I haven't, why?"

"Ok. So I recorded this cover song of "Missing You" by John Waite."

"Killer song," I smiled at the thought, "I haven't heard your cover yet though."

"You'll like. But what I was calling about is, I want to make a music video for it."


"And I know how you've got that tour with Enrique coming up soon, but I was wondering if you would be in my music video for it?"

"I'd love to Ori," I smiled just at the thought of being in a music video, "What's the plot line?"

"Basically what the songs about. We haven't worked out too much yet but I had the idea with my band that we'd make you sorta like the new Tawnee Kitean of the new era."

"But I'm not slutty."

"Of course not. But since you are a dancer and totally amazing, we wanted you in it."


"You'd just be dancing, acting, and we'd be like the hidden eyes, almost like an all-seeing type of thing to tell the story."

"Cool, so when would we start filming?"

"A couple days," She mentioned just as Evan flew into the room looking like he had something important to say.

"Um, ok," I nodded.

"And I know the two of you broke up but I asked Toby to be your love interest and he said he'd do it."

"It's fine," I shrugged, "It should be interesting and create a good chemistry thing."

"So, I'll see you soon?"

"Yeah of course."

"Alright, later."

I hung up the phone to look at Evan who had a big smile on his face while he came over to tug on my hand.

"Slow down, Evan," I giggled, "What's going on?"

"Come on," He rushed me to the door, "We're going to tell my family about us."

"Wait," I looked at him, totally nervous now, "What? Now?"

"Of course now," Evan smiled at me, "Don't be nervous."

"I'm not, it's just."

"Relax," Evan kissed my cheek quickly, "They alreay love you to death, so you don't have to worry about that."

Evan rushed me out of the room and down the hall to a room his family were waiting in while inbetween interviews and everything today, well technically tonight but it's all starting to blur together.

As we entered the room, hand in hand, I looked at his family as all their attention was directed towards me. I could feel my hand shake but Evan just gave it a slight squeeze and me a smile before clearing his throat.

"Evan," His mom looked at us, "What took you so long? You've got interviews-"

"Mom, I know," He stopped her as she gave him a strange look, "I know everyone was wondering about that kiss earlier and we both owe you an explaination."

"That was out of the blue," Laura mumbled but Evan's smiled still didn't fade.

"Everyone, Melinda and I are dating," He smiled but shook his head, "Not just we're a couple now."

"Wait," Christina questioned first since everyone else is in shock, "You're Evan's girlfriend now?"

"Yeah, I guess so," I smiled at them as we waited for them to lecture or something but we didn't hear it.

"Aww, that's so cute," Laura smiled at us.

"You two deserve to be together," His mom smiled brightly at us.

"Thank you," I blushed lightly.

"But Evan, you really have to get to these interviews."

"You heard the woman," I laughed while reaching up to kiss Evan.

"You'll be ok?"

"Yeah of course," I smiled at him.

His family started to clear out of the room while Evan looked down at me, the nervousness of telling his family was gone and things felt like there was a new life breathed into them.

"I'm going to miss sneaking around," I smirked up at Evan.

"They don't have to know all that goes on with us," He giggled as I kissed him again.

"I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you," He smiled down at me while playing with my fingers, "Who were you on the phone with when I walked into the room?"

"Orianthi. I'm going to be in her music video."

"Evan! Come on!" We heard from outside as he looked behind him then back at me.

"That's so cool," He smiled at me.

"It is and I have a lot more to tell you about it but go, they need you."

"I'll try not to take too long," Evan smiled while placing a soft kiss on my cheek.

I nodded as I watched him head out the door and out to the waiting public. Letting out that held in breath, my mind raced with how I was going to tell Evan that Toby was going to be my love interest in this video, especially now after he decided to tell his family about us. He should be understanding about this, right?