Break the Ice

Flowers and Numbers

Apolo watched as I did a few turns with a smile on his face.

"I thought you and the ice didn't get along?" He questioned with his hands on his hips.

"We don't," I smirked, "I haven't been out here in forever."

"Could've fooled me," He mumbled as I shot my attention towards him.

"What was that?" I questioned as he shook his head.


"Trying to start something, Ohno?" I questioned as I skated over to him.

"No," He watched me, "I just don't believe that part that you haven't been on the ice in such a long time."

"I told you, I dance off the ice now."

"What about racing?"

"Nope," I looked at him, "Not even racing."

"One 500," He pleaded with me, "Just one."

"Against who?"

"Me," He smiled as I gave him a look for a second.


"Just one," He held up his finger as I sighed.


"Sweet," Apolo smiled as we skated to the start line.

"Um," I looked around, "How are we going to know when to go?"

"I'll let you know," He nodded as we both got ready.

"On your mark, get set-"

"Bye," I smiled as I took off in which he followed me.

I was in the lead for the most part but I knew how close Apolo was. My old racing habits were picking back up as we skated, focusing only on where I was going and who was around me. On the last lap, Apolo had been hanging behind pretty far when out of nowhere he skated past me to finish first.

"Cheater," I mentioned as I caught my breath as he smiled then skated towards me.

"I do recall you taking off before the go was mentioned," He snickered while catching his breath.

"That wasn't me," I smirked as he laughed.

"What do you say winner buys you dinner?"

"I thought it was the loser who usually has to buy the winner dinner?" I questioned as he shrugged.

"Usually but maybe I just wanna take a pretty girl out to dinner."

I blushed as he looked at me.

"Is that a yes?"

"Only because you're so charming," I smirked as he laughed.

After taking our skates off and finally finding a resturant that we could get at that wasn't fancy or high populated, Apolo chose to sit outside at a back table since it was still nice out for a night like tonight.

"So are you dating anyone?" Apolo asked while sipping his water.

"No," I shook my head, "I just haven't found that one person to make me happy like that plus I've been too busy with choreography."

"I hear you on that," Apolo nodded, "Being busy and all."

"So what about you Mr. Olympian? Are you dating anyone?"

"No," He shook his head, "I've been trying to keep a clear head during training this time. I've gone to the extremes with everything."

"So you're not going to date anyone til after the Olympics?" I asked a bit hurt or something that was down inside of me.

"Maybe not," He shrugged, "It all depends if I find that certain girl that doesn't mind a crazy schedule and being put in second for a while."

"Hey a girl would need her break too," I smirked at him he laughed.

"You know, Mel, since I met you, you've been a totally different girl than I'm used to."

"How so?" I asked while taking a sip off my Diet Coke.

"Well you don't care about celebrity status of people, you aren't afraid to be yourself, and you don't seem to mind being pushed to the side for a dream a bit."

"I do understand," I shrugged with a smile, "I mean that one guy I would fall for would have to be one who could deal with me being on the road as a back up dancer, being touched by some guy or what not during a routine and not go all jerk-like over it."

"Doesn't seem like a bad idea," He shrugged as I nodded.

"Yeah," I looked down at my phone to see it was now 7, "Crikey, I hate to cut this short but I've got to be up at 5 to work on choreo again."

"Want me to call a cab for you?"

"Nah," I shook my head, "I drove to the arena earlier."

Apolo drove me back to my car in which I got out of his car then walked over to mine with him next to me.

"Thanks for the great day and sorta evening," I looked with my eyes with a smile, "I had fun."

"Don't mention it," He smiled, "We should do it again sometime."

"Yeah definately."


"Well," I broke the silence as I opened the door, "I should be going."

"Ok," Apolo nodded as he leant in to kiss my cheek lightly as I smiled, "Have a nice night."

"You too," I smiled as I got into my car then headed back home.

The next morning, I had been at the dance studio for a few hours when a guy walked to my dance room studio.

"Melinda," The guy mentioned carrying a huge bouquet of Oriental Lilies, "These came for you."

"Who are they from?" I asked as I took them and the guy shrugged.

"Looks like Mel's got a secret admire," Wade smirked at me as I looked for the card.

"Or not," I smirked back at him as I opened the card.

I hope you like these. I figured they fit your personality more than the roses.
Meet me tonight at the arena.

I smiled as I looked at the card seeing his number next to his name as I sat the flowers down the added his number to my phone before placing the card in my pocket.

"So?" Wade questioned.

"They're from Apolo," I smiled.

"Someone's got some juicy story to tell me," He flashed a smile to me as we headed back to the dance floor.

"Someone's super nosy," I stuck my tongue out at him as the music started back up again.