Break the Ice

Shine like It Does

Finally after getting done with work at 5, I headed home to find an empty place since Evan was either at practice or out somewhere, so I went to take a shower. Before which, I called Apolo to let him know that I'd meet him by 7 since it gave me time to find clothes and let my hair dry at least a bit on it's own.

I finally decided on some dark jeans and a purple plaid Billabong hoodie as well as some boots, then drove over to the arena. I didn't put too much make up, mainly just some black eyeliner and mascara as I finally found a spot next to Apolo's car in which I got out to smile at him.

"Hey," He smiled as I shut my car door, "You look great."

"Thanks," I smiled at him as I walked over to him, "So why did you want me here?"

"Well," He shrugged, "I was thinking that maybe we could just see the town or something."

"You do know I've lived here a while, right?" I smirked as he laughed.

"Yeah but I mean we could see the town from above."

"Meaning?" I questioned as he motioned with his head.

"Come on," He smirked as he now had my interest.

I got in his car as he drove towards the mountains in which he parked the car in a spot that was secluded from everyone but still overlooked the lights of the city as the sun was finally starting to settle in the horizon.

"Wow," I looked over the town, "It's amazing."

"I know right?"

"I mean Evan took me to the Sears Tower so many times to watch the sunset over Chicago but this, it's so different."

"I'm glad," Apolo smiled as I looked at him.

"Let's it enjoy it closer," I smirked at him as I got out of the car to sit on the hood of his car as he followed.

I leant against the windshield slightly as he joined me. You could actually see the stars now as the two of us were in a comfortable silence just looking at the scenary sourrounding us.

"It's so peaceful out here," I sighed with a smile as I got his smile out the corner of my eye.
"I know. It gives you time to think, be alone, anything."

"It does," I smiled at him as I brought my knees up to his chest, "So does this count as a second date?"

"It does," He smiled as I nodded.

"Are you nervous about the Olympics?"

"No," He shook his head, "You kinda get used to it after a while. But I can't wait for them to happen."

"Yeah," I smiled lightly.

"What's wrong?"

"I almost wish, I didn't stop ice dancing or speed skating now these days."

"Oh," Apolo nodded, "But was it worth all the drama you were telling me about?"

"Yeah," I shrugged with a slight smile, "Pain is only temporary."

"Unless it's heartbreak."

"Maybe," I shrugged.

"But if you were going to the Olympics, we may not have even met," Apolo looked at me, "I may not be sitting here with an amazing girl underneath the beautiful stars."

"Thanks," I smiled at him as he flashed me a smile again to sit up with me.

"Don't mention it."

There was a silence between the two of us as I looked at him, watching his eyes as I felt our bodies moving closer together. As if pulled by some force, our lips met each others in a sweet kiss which we broke away from shorty until Apolo reached up to kiss me again.

The kiss lasted longer in which I felt his tongue slowly beg for entrance which I let him in as we settled into the kiss until we heard a passing car which broke us apart.

"I should be getting home," I mumbled with a smile as he nodded.

"Same," He smiled as we both got off the car hood to head back to the arena as his fingers entwined with mine the entire way back to my car.

Once at my car, Apolo helped me out as I opened the door.

"Thank you for tonight," I smiled at him, "It was really sweet of you."

"I had a great time," Apolo smiled as his fingers played with mine for a second.

"Me too," I smiled as he leant in to kiss me again.

"Call me later?"

"Of course," I smiled at him as I got in my car with a smile on my face, unaware of what such an innocent kiss was about to blow up into in the morning.

As I headed back home, I was in such a good mood as I couldn't contain myself as I walked into the doors to find Evan in the kitchen. I bounced into the kitchen to wrap my arms around Evan as he laughed slightly.

"Someone's in a good mood," He smiled down at me as I nodded.

"It was a great night."

"With Apolo?" He questioned in which I swear I could hear a hint of jealousy in his voice.

"I've got so much to tell you," I nodded as he chuckled.

"It sounds interesting."

"It is," I smiled as he made a peanut butter sandwhich in which I took a bit out of it.
"Sorry, I was hungry."

"Crazy kid," He rolled his eyes as I walked to the living room with a Coke as he followed me.

Evan sat down with me on the couch as he turned on the TV as I told him about tonight and the night before.

"Wait, you on the ice again?" He smirked, "Now that had to be interesting."

"Shut up," I shoved him lightly.

"But it sounds like you had an amazing time," He smiled at me, "I'm glad for you."


"So are you guys dating now?"

"Dating, yes. A couple, no, not yet," I shook my head as he looked at me.

"Aww, well don't be in too much of a rush," He smiled as I nodded with a yawn.

"You tired?"

"A bit," I shrugged, "I've been up since early, dancing and then the date with Apolo."

"We could watch a movie or something?" Evan suggested as I shrugged.

"Nothing chick flick like."

"10 Things I Hate About You?"

"Unless it has Heath Ledger," I smirked as Evan got up to start the movie then came back to the couch as I settled into him.

Half way through the movie, I fell asleep on Evan in which he couldn't move to take the movie out so he just pulled a blanket over me, turned it to news, then found himself falling asleep as well.

It was just the morning news and what was about to be broadcasted to half the world that about caused me to have a heart attack in the early morning.