Break the Ice


"And with the Olympics fast approaching.... "

I heard the sound of the TV in the distance which caused me to stir from my sleep as I looked up at the somewhat sleeping Evan. I shifted lightly as he moved to smile down at me.

"Hey," He smiled.

"Morning to you too," I smiled back with a yawn.

"Jay, there have been rumours about if Apolo Ohno was dating anyone during this Olympics season"

My attention looked towards the TV as Evan went to turn it but I stopped him.

"Yeah, it's been a highly discussed subject in some aspects but last night, a photo was snapped of Apolo kissing a girl outside the arena where he's been training."

"Yes," The other guy nodded, "But who is she?"

"An inside source has confirmed that she is a Naperville girl, lives with another Olympic athelete and is a high demand choreographer in the LA area."

"Oh my god," I looked at the screen as I slowly got up, "No way."

"You kissed him?" Evan asked with a hint of laughter in his voice.

"No," I shook my head but then snapped back to reality, "I mean yes but it was a second date and-"

"Hey, you don't have to explain anything to me," Evan smiled as he got up to put a hand on my shoulder.

"I just can't believe someone would do this."

"It's the media," Evan shrugged, "You should know this by now."

"I guess I just never been on the side it actually affects," I looked back at him.

"Hey, it's ok," Evan smiled as I faced him, "You'll get through this."

"Yeah but what about Apolo? I mean he may not take to it as easily."

"If he really likes you, it shouldn't matter," He smiled at me to kiss my forehead.

"Thanks," I smiled lightly as he walked off.

"I'm going to get some breakfast, you coming with?"

"Yeah," I nodded, "Let me get changed first."

I changed into my usual jeans and hoodie as I put on some make up then pulled my hair back in pony tail as I met Evan as his car to head to get some breakfast. I turned on the radio as Evan drove to some resturant in which I wasn't paying attention. I honestly was looking at my phone hoping that Apolo would call this morning or something.

"Stop worrying," Evan smiled as he turned a corner, "You're going to make yourself crazy."

"I'm not."

"You are too," He snicked as he stopped at the light, "You haven't stopped looking at your phone."

"Fine," I sighed as I put my phone up, "Happy?"

"Yeah," He smiled as the light now changed, "You know we haven't gotten a chance to hang out for a while."

"We've both been busy," I shrugged, "You with training, me with work and figuring out if I'm for sure working with Enrique which I know I am now."

"Are you busy today?"

"Not really. I was just going to go in to work on some routines with Wade if he wasn't busy later tonight but other than that, today's my day's off."

"Wanna spend it with me?" Evan asked as I thought about it for a second.

"Sure," I smiled at him, "Why not?"

"Sweet," He smiled as he kept driving when my phone rang.


"Hey, Mel, it's me Apolo."

"Oh hey," I nodded as I was on edge if he heard the news this morning.

"Did you by any chance hear or see the news this morning?"

"Um," I paused as I let a sigh out, "Yeah."

"I'm sorry to drag you in like that."

"It's not your fault. Media can be a bitch sometimes."

"So are we ok?"

"Yeah," I smiled at him.

"Are you doing anything today?"

"Actually, I'm spending time with Evan today since I haven't in a while."

"Oh," He drew out.


"I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies or something."

"That sounds nice," I smiled at him, "But I kinda already made plans with Evan."

"It's cool. Later?"

"Yeah of course. Maybe tomorrow?"

"I think I can work you in," He chuckled.

"I'll talk to you later," I laughed as I hung up the phone.

"See," Evan smiled at me, "Told you he wouldn't be upset with you."

"You're just lucky I want to have your babies," I glared at him as he smirked.

"You know you keep saying that but you never mean it."

"Shut up and drive," I mumbled as Evan finally got to the resturant.

Only this time, it wasn't like normal since I was ambushed by paparazzi. I mean I had a few from dancing but this was crazy. There were like 7 cameras in my face with a million questions coming from each direction. Evan noticed as he took my hand which then sent a whole new spark of questions from the people shoving cameras in my face as Evan rushed me into the resturant.

"I guess it's a day in huh?" Evan looked at me as I looked back at the door.

"Are you kidding me?" I gave him a look, "There's no way that I'm letting those guys ruin my day with you."

"But they're going to follow you. Tell others where you are, everything."

"That's why after this," I smirked at my plan I was thinking of, "We're so getting costumes."

"Do I have to?" Whined Evan at the thought.

"No, but I'm thinking I do."

"You know Melinda, it's scary what goes on in your mind sometimes."

"I know," I shrugged with a half smile as we headed to a table, "But put it this way, no one will notice me for a while."

"Just as long as you don't dress as Pamela Anderson."

"Damn ruin my fun," I teased as he just shook his head with an eye roll.