Break the Ice


"See, and you doubted me," I smirked as I jumped on Evan's back as he gave me a piggy back ride.

I had gone with wearing a now low pony tail, fedora, and a zut suit. I looked some total mafia person from the 20s but everyone left me alone then. It helped too that I could hide my eyes with the brim of fedora. Technically this was a dance outfit I've had for a while but no one knew.

"Yeah because I think they're all scared of you," He chuckled to himself slightly as I thought about it.

"Maybe but still no one noticed us."

"Point made."

"So," I sighed as Evan carried me, "What should we do now, bestest friend?"

"I don't know," He shrugged the best he could while carrying me, "Go see a movie?"

"You know Apolo asked me to go do that today," I laughed as he stopped walking.


"And I told him I had plans with you, silly."

"Why don't you call him," Evan sat me down.

"Yeah but then that'll ruin us time," I pouted.

"You can make it up to me in Vancouver," He smirked as I rolled my eyes.

"Are you ok with him coming along?"

"Yeah, why not? Besides I've got to meet the guy my friend is falling ever so hard for."

"I am not," I blushed as I took out my phone.

"Yes you are," He snickered, "You get all school girl whenever someone mentions his name."

"Shut up," I shoved him as I dialed the number and waited for him to answer.


"Hey Apolo," I smiled into the phone, "It's Melinda."

"Oh hey, what's up?"

"Um, Evan wanted to go to the movies today and since you were wondering if I wanted to go with you earlier, I was wondering now if you wanted to go with us?"

"Is Evan ok with is?"

"Yeah, he said he wanted to meet you anyways," I shrugged as I hoped he'd say yes.

"Alright," Apolo mentioned as the smile grew on my face, "Should I just meet you guys there?"

"Yeah, sure. See around 1 or 1:30."

"Alright, see you then."


I smiled as I looked at Evan who wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"I take it he's coming with us, huh?"

"Yeah," I smiled at him, "Can we see Sherlock Holmes?"

"I know you'd say that," He chuckled.

"Duh, it's Jude Law."

After getting some clothes shopping done, we went to the movie theater in which I waited outside with Evan for Apolo to show up. Evan was acting as my look out for any paparazzi as I scanned the people looking for him.

"So, are you really doing this tour with Enrique?" asked Evan as I looked back at him.

"Yeah," I nodded at him, "Robert helped put in a good word for me too."

"Robert?" He questioned as I rolled my eyes.

"Hoffman. You know, guy I've been friends with since early 2000s."

"Oh yeah."

"I can't help it most my friends are dancers and you haven't paid attention."

"I pay attention," Evan interjected as I crossed my arms.

"I know."

"You're mad?"

"No," I sighed as I leant against the wall, "Just pay attention better."

"You know I do when it's you talking, I've just been so stressed lately."

"Just drop it, Ev," I looked at him.

"Ok," He nodded.

There was a silence I couldn't stand as I looked at him, "I'm going to do some stuff with Wade and Robert before that too then maybe after."


"I mean it'll be after you win gold and have to fly around everywhere," I smiled at him as he rolled his eyes.

"Don't jinx me. I mean I may not even medal."

"Don't doubt yourself," I flashed a smile, "You're an amazing skater, Evan. One of the best, don't let anyone tell you otherwise."


"There he is," I smiled as I seen Apolo walk up to us.

"Hey," Apolo kissed my cheek as I smiled at him, "How are you?"

"Good, hiding from paparazzi but I'm not letting that ruin my fun," I smiled at him.
"That's good."

"Oh," I pushed myself off the wall, "Apolo, this is one of the best friends, Evan Lysacek. And Evan this is Apolo Ohno."

"Hey man," Apolo nodded at him as Evan gave him a light smile.

"Alright, so," I took Apolo's hand, "Let's get inside before we miss any Jude Law.

I drug Apolo through the building as Evan followed closely behind as I heard them both chuckle to themselves.

"Is she always like this?" Apolo asked Evan.

"Yeah," He snickered, "Especially about Jude Law movies."

"I can still hear you two," I grumbled as they laughed as we headed into the dark theater.

I was zoned out in the movie, so much so I didn't even notice Apolo's hand on mine as the movie played. When it was finally over, Apolo took my hand to lead me out as Evan still followed us. We all decided to get milkshakes or something since I was a bit hungry but not too much.

I had gotten a phone call from Robert about coming in to dance tonight which I was planning on doing anyways. He wanted to work on some choreo with me and Wade, mainly me but during that time, Apolo and Evan decided to talk.

"Don't hurt her," Evan looked at Apolo as his attention snapped towards him.


"Don't hurt her," Evan stretched back in his chair, "I've seen her get hurt so many times by guys, I just don't want to see her hurt again. Especially after her last boyfriend."

"I won't," Apolo nodded, "What happened?"

"It's not my place to really say anything," Evan shrugged with a sigh, "But he hurt her, like really bad. I never seen her that depressed before."


"She barely ate, didn't sleep. It took her dance friends to step in to help her."

"Britney?" Apolo raised an eyebrow at him as Evan chuckled.

"So you have heard of her?"

"A bit. She's good," Apolo looked at me with a smile, "I just didn't want that to be a factor in dating her."

"Yeah," Evan nodded at his previous statement, "Mel understands what Britney's been through, going through, just without the kids."

"Poor girl," Apolo nodded.

"Hey, at least it's not Rober or Wade yet. Those two will grill you on what your intentions are with her before you even say anything."

"Really?" Apolo raised an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah," He nodded, "Wade's her bestest friend ever, and then Robert's the big brother type towards her."


"Hey guys," I smiled as I walked back to them.

"Hey," Apolo smiled at me.

"Hey, I've gotta go into the studio earlier to work with Robert," I looked at Apolo, "You feel like coming with me?"

"I guess," He shrugged as Evan smirked.

"And despite what he told you about them, Wade and Robert aren't that bad," I glanced towards Evan as he held up his hands.

"How did you-" Apolo started.

"Evan likes to make Wade and Rob out to be big tough guys but they're really nice once you get to know them."

"But they'll still grill him," Evan jumped in.

"Like you wouldn't," I stuck my tongue out at him in which he stuck his back at me, "Ev, are you going to?"

"No, I've got some things to take care of," He shook his head.

"Fine," I nodded as I stood up to look at Apolo, "Ready to go?"

"After you," He smiled as I headed towards the door.