Break the Ice

The Story

"Rob!" I shouted as I walked up to him to give him a quick hug as he smiled.

"There's my girl," He smiled as I broke away from him, "How have you been?"

"Good," I nodded at him as he smiled to look behind me, "Oh, that's Apolo."

"I've kinda heard about it," He gave me a faint smile, "The media won't stop about that kiss that you two shared."

"God," I rolled my eyes, "People need to mind their own business."

"Right?" He nodded, "Get ready, we need to work on some things."

"I will," I smirked at him as I walked back towards Apolo to find my dance shoes and everything.

"Remember how I told you not to be jealous of me dancing with guys?" I looked at him as I tied my shoes.

"Yeah," He nodded.

"This is one of those times," I smirked at him.


"You'll see," I smiled at him as I headed to the dance floor as I heard some Usher song came on the stereo.

I went to take my place with Rob as we started dancing together, getting to the small section in which he stand to stand behind me then place his hands on me in a way to highlight the person dancing. I didn't really notice Apolo since I was focused on the reflection in the mirror with Rob as the music played.

As I caught my breath, I seen Wade walk into the room as me and Rob went back to working on some things. Wade walked over to Apolo as he stood next to the chair that he was sitting in.

"She's amazing, isn't she?" Wade asked as Apolo looked up at him.

"Huh? Yeah, she is."

"Don't be jealous of him," Wade smiled as he watched us, "They've never dated or anything before, they're just that serious about each routine."

"I'm not."

"I can see the way you look at them," Wade smirked as he faced him, "I'm Wade."

"Apolo," He stuck out his hand as he shook it.

"You must really like her," Wade nodded, "Normally she doesn't bring a guy here til after a few weeks of dating and sometimes they don't want to come in."

"She's special," Apolo smiled as he watched me, "She's different than anyone I've ever met."

"Don't hurt her," Wade smiled as he nodded.

"I won't."

After a while, Wade came out to dance with us as we spent the next couple hours dancing as Apolo watched us but I knew he was probably getting bored.

"Hey," I caught my breath as I got a drink off my water bottle, "I'm sorry to take so long. You must be bored."

"I'm fine," He smiled.

"I'm just going over this routine one last time and we can get out and do something."

"Take your time," He smiled as I headed back out to the dancefloor.

After finishing up the routine, I didn't bother changing clothes but just my shoes as I headed outside to the now darkened skies with Apolo.

"Thanks for coming tonight," I smiled at him as I carried my bag as we walked down the street.

"Are you kidding?" He smirked, "You're an amazing dancer. It was fun to watch you rehearse and all."

"Thanks," I smiled at him.

"So," He paused as I walked alongside him, "Everyone keeps telling me not to hurt you, mainly because of the last guy you dated."

"My friends can be a bit overprotective," I shrugged as I knew he was looking at me.

"What happened? If you don't mind me asking."

"I don't," I shook my head as he waited for me to continue.

"I was dating this guy, Toby Rand. The vocalist for Juke Kartel. Ok so we weren't just dating, we were a couple. I met him in 2006 or so when he auditioned to be in Rockstar Supernova. He was a total sweetheart, we just really hit it off. So we were together for like 2 and a half years. Then he decided to move back to Australia which I was ok with. You know do the whole long distance thing. Which worked for a while, then it just got too hard to keep up with it all.

We started fighting a lot over the phone about the studiest things. Things that no one should fight over. Than last summer, it was like June 20th when Toby called to end it. He said it just wasn't working out, things were just too hard and he was dealing with too much. I was devasted, crushed. Then 5 days later, the world lost an icon, my idol, and friend. I've toured with Janet a few times and since Wade's been friends with him and me and Wade have been friends forever, I knew Michael personally. It put me into an even deeper depression."

"Wow," Apolo looked at me, "I'm sorry."

"Yeah, so I was mourning my loss with Wade, everyone. It just felt like I was supposed to grow up in that instant and I didn't want to."


"Yeah and then two weeks after it happened, Toby flew back out. Came to comfort me, make sure I was ok. Things were back to how they were with us, then he just up and left again," I could feel the tears sting my eyes not from Toby but the events that happened, "This time he said he just wanted to see other people, keep his options open. Stay single a while. It didn't help matters much."

"I won't do that to you," Apolo looked at him.

I smirked lightly, "You know, no offense or anything but I hear that a lot just to get me in bed."


"It's just taken me a while to get back into dating again," I shrugged.

"Do you hate him?"

"Toby?" I thought for a second, "No, I never could. There's just so much that happened that I couldn't ever hate him."

"But you're not going back to him, right?"

"We'd be friends, that's it," I smirked at Apolo, "Don't worry, I'm totally into you."

"That's good," He sighed as I stopped to look at him to see him smile.

"So, I've got a long day tomorrow," I looked at him, "And you've got training, so I guess this is goodnight."

"Are you sure, you'll be ok?"

"I'll be fine," I smiled at him, "I'm not a delicate flower. I can manage."

"I mean if you need someone to talk to yet. I've got a few hours."

"Fine," I shrugged with a smile, "If you want to but I don't want to keep you from anything."

"You're not," He smiled as I opened my car doors.

"Get in," I smiled as Apolo got in the car and I drove to my apartment.