Break the Ice


Sitting in the living room of the house, I leant against Apolo as we were watching "Urban Legend". Evan had went to bed as we kept the volume down so it wouldn't disturb him.

"You know," I mentioned as I watched the TV, "I never understood why the girl always trips when running from someone trying to kill them. I mean is it like a rule to trip or something?"

"You mean you wouldn't trip if you were running for your life?" Apolo smirked down at me as I looked up at him a bit.

"No, I mean I'd be smarter than them about hiding and everything too."


"Not wearing heels all time. Seriously, you're short, deal with it."

"You're interesting Melinda," Apolo chuckled as I smiled up at him.

"Thanks for staying a bit."

"No problem," He smiled as he brushed a piece of hair out of my face.

There was a pause between the two of us as he leant down to kiss my lips lightly as I kissed him back. It soon turned into an innocent make out session for a while until a sound broke us apart.

It was late now as I rested against Apolo, watching some random thing on TV as we soon fell asleep on the couch with a blanket draped around us.

I woke to the smell of coffee in the morning to see Evan sitting at the table with a smile on his face.

"Looks like you had a good night," He smirked as I rolled my eyes to slowly get out of Apolo's grasp to walk over to him.

"What are you doing up so early?" I yawned.

"Nastasia's coming over toady."

"Why?" I groaned letting my head hit the table.

"Aww come on, Mel, don't be like that."

"Don't get me wrong she's a great girl, Ev, but she's not right for you."

"Yet you still haven't told me who is," He looked at me as I was about to say something when Apolo got up to kiss me on cheek.

"I've got to get going," He looked at me, "Training and all."

"I can take you back," I looked at him, "I kinda drove you here anyways."

"Thanks," He smiled.

"Let me just go brush my teeth and stuff," I rushed off as Apolo took my seat across from Evan.

"I'm guessing you won't be around much with Olympics, huh?" Evan asked as Apolo looked down.

"No," He mumbled, "Which I'm trying to figure out how to break to her. Knowing I won't see her for a while."

"She can handle it," He nodded, "Just don't wait til last minute."


"Don't mention it," He nodded as he looked at his phone, "But if you'll excuse me. I've got to get going."

Evan got up from his seat as I walked back out to Apolo as I nodded at him. Soon we got in my car as I drove him back to his as I stood outside before either one of us left.

"I heard you talking to Evan," I crossed my arms over my chest, feeling sad, "About Olympics and stuff."

"Sorry, I was planning on telling you."

"I know," I nodded as I looked at him, "So is this the last time I see you?"

"For a week," He shrugged, "I promise I'll call and then we'll be in Vancover together."

"Promise?" I asked with a small smile on my face as he pulled me into him.

"Promise," He kissed my lips lightly as I kissed him back again.

Slowly feeling the heat intensify in the kiss, I had to force myself to pull away before anything got too serious out in public. I smiled at him as kept my hand in his.

"Promise we'll have fun our first night in Vancouver," He smiled with a wink as I felt like I was going to melt.

"Stop winking," I glared at him as he gave me one last kiss.

"Are you working tonight?"

"Yeah, and I know you limit yourself phone time so call me in the morning before you go to training, ok?"

"I will," He nodded as he kissed me again.

"Seriously, you need to get going."

"I know."

"Then go," I smirked as he didn't budge but neither did I.

"I'll talk to you later, Mel."

"Laters," I smiled at him as I headed to my car, feeling that gaze still on me as I got in the car.

I watched as he pulled away first, I slowly headed to work in which I had to work a morning class shift for Wade than my classes were tonight as well as working on my own stuff. When I got there, Rob was working on some paper work and filing as I walked in with a dazed smile on my face.

"There's my girl," Rob smiled as he noticed the smile, "Looks like someone had a good night."

"It was amazing," I smiled at him as I took a seat next to him.


"Yes," I smiled at him, "I really like him. He's so different than Toby ever was."

"Did you tell him about Toby?"

"Yeah, I felt it was only fair since everyone was warning him not to hurt me."

"Did you tell him about Robert?"

"No," I shook my head knowing what he was referring to.

"You need to, I mean what if something-"

"Do you honestly feel the need to confess all my secrets for me?" I questioned as I half glared at him.

"Well he was after Toby."

"We weren't really together."


"As a couple," I rolled my eyes, "God, could you be more annoying?"

"Yes, I could," He smirked as I gave him a look.

"I hate you."

"Do not," He smirked as the front doors opened and some young kids walked in, "But looks like your class or should I say Wade's class is about to start."

"You got lucky," I glared at him as he just shoo his head then blew me a kiss.