Break the Ice

Rush, Rush

I hadn't seen Apolo in the few weeks leading up to the Olympics. He was busy, I was busy but I talked to him for maybe half an hour or so a few days ago.

Right now, we were landing in Vancouver for the Opening Ceremonies as my music filled my ears. Evan had his own room in the Olympic village in which he talked people into letting me stay with him but no one knew about it. It was a mess figuring that out too since there were only two rooms open and Tanith Belbin and Johnny Weir still needing a place to stay too.

Since Evan used to date Tanith and they weren't exactly friends they couldn't room together. Then him and Johnny were rivals so that crossed that out. Although I didn't blame Evan for hating Johnny Weir since he was one of the few people that I wanted to smack with a two by four. So that left the only other option, Evan getting his own room.

Drama in the skating world? I know. It's always been like that. I don't think I've run across it in the dance world though. We all seem to get along, with a few exceptions here and there.

Anyways back to now. I had been at the opening ceremonies with Evan, no Apolo since he decided to stay behind and train in Vancouver somewhere since he had a race tomorrow. I enjoyed myself though since I had fun. I even hung out with a few of the snowboarders as well since they recognized me from doing stuff with Wade and Britney and a few others.

By time I got back to the room, it was late, I was tired but Even still decided to stay out for a while and party with everyone. Just as I was winding down, there was a knock at the door in which I went to open it to see a bouquet of red roses staring back at me.

"I believe these go to a girl I've been neglecting for a while," I heard Apolo's voice as I let him in and he handed me the flowers.

"You still have some making up to do," I smirked at him as I closed the door and sat the flowers down.

"I know," He watched me with a smile on his face, "Which is why tomorrow night, I was wondering if you would like to join me for a carriage ride and some hot chocolate?"

"Romantic," I smiled at him as walked back towards him, "But are you sure you can?"

"I've got time," He smiled as I wrapped my arms around me.

"Add some cuddle time to that and I'll be so good with it."

"Of course."


"After my race," He looked down at me, "I'll just change and we can talk about anything."

"You won't be too tired will you?" I questioned as he shook his head.

"Then ok," I reached up to kiss him as he kissed me back.

The kiss got deeper as I ran my fingers through his hair when I heard a key going to the door meaning Evan was back. We broke away from each other quickly as I smiled lightly.

"Hey Evan," I mentioned as he walked through the doors.

"Hey Mel," He smiled as he nodded at Apolo, "Apolo."

"I should be going back," He kissed me quickly, "Night Mel."

"Night," I smiled as he walked out the door as I looked at Evan.

"Dude, what's your problem?" I questioned as Evan walked through the kitchen.


"Than what's up with the way you addressed Apolo?" I questioned as he shook his head.

"Just tired and surprised he was here."

"Is that supposed to mean anything?"

"Well you've barely talked to him in a while."

"We've been busy," I argued as he shook his head.

"It's nothing Melinda," Evan walked past me as I rolled my eyes.

"It's always nothing with you Evan," I watched as he stopped to look back at me.

"I didn't mean anything by it," He glared at me, "Can we not argue about this? It's late and I don't want to say something I'll regret."


"Mel, just let it go please," Evan pleaded as I sighed.


"Mel, you know I love you," Evan walked over to me, "I just don't want to see you hurt or anything."

"I'm ok."

"Are you sure?"

"Fine Evan," I nodded as he stopped as he just shoo his head.

"I don't want to lose you either."

"You're not losing me," I looked into his eyes to see him hiding something, "You're my lifeline, I can't just lose you."

"I know," He looked down.

"Are you ok?"

"Yes, it's just the sleepless talking," He smiled at me as I accepted his explanation as he went to walk off.

"Hey Mel," Evan asked softer as he turned back to me.


"Wanna watch "Step Up:2" with me?"

"Yeah," I smiled at him as he went to take a shower as I got the movie ready.

As we were watching the movie, I leant on Evan, feeling my eyes start to fall heavy as I couldn't make it through the movie.

"I love you Melinda," I heard Evan whisper as he kissed my forehead and I smiled in my sleep.