Status: Comments would encourage me to continue xD(:

Western Academy for Boys!? But I'm a Girl...Oh Well

Un / One


Fuck. My. Life.

My boyfriend, William, was being moved to a new school for boys half way across the state for being stupid! On top of that, I had my period, so I was a mess.

My sister, Jenna, saw it all, I was mopping around the house, crying every time I went on Myspace to look at our pictures.

She scoffed and turned off the computer. She turned me around in my spinny chair to face her.

"Why?" I asked between sobs.

"You can't keep living like this! All the rainbow sherbert ice cream is gone and there are puddles of tears in every pillow!" Jenna said.

"I can't live without him!"

"Oh jeez," she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "What happened to him anyway?"

"He was sent to Western Academy for boys and his parents blame me for his failing grades," I said. "Plus, he almost jumped the principle."

"For what?" Jenna sounded shocked.

"I don't know, he won't tell me," I slumped in my chair and covered my face. "What am I gonna do?" I started to cry again.

"I dunno," she sat on my bed. "You're pretty, try getting a new guy."

"No one's better than him," My nose got stuffy.

"All girls school?"

I gave her a menacing look. If girls were bitches at a public school, imagine an academy full of them! I think I'd bring a gun.

"Okay okay.. Sneak into the academy now and then?"

"How? I have boobs, vagina. I think I'd be raped first, then I'll get arrested."

She played with her hair "What if.. No it's too dangerous."

"What?" I looked at her. She had an idea. I wanted to know "What what what?"



"What if.. You don't need them?"

My eyes widened.

"Get what I'm sayin'?" Jenna said with a grin.

"Cut off my boobs!?" I exclaimed.

She shook her head. "No, butt head! I meant be a boy!"

"What? How am I gonna be a-" ... Wait. Maybe I don't have to inject hormones or stretch out my voice box. I could just have the features. I'll strap my boobs down with duct tape! And for my cooch, cotton balls as the testicles.. Actually, never mind. No cotton balls, but still! Genius idea!

I stood up and said "Yes! Let's do it!"

"Good," She stood up aswell and put her hands on her hips. "I'll be right back," she said with a smirk.

"Kay," I said. I couldn't stop smiling. This is so going to work! I'll tell William that the plans-!"

Snip snip

Jenna came in with scissors.

Are not on..

"Oh no," I backed away.

"Oh yes" she smirked. She chased after me with it.

"No! My hair is already short as it is!" I jumped over the bed.

"C'mon Christina! Stop moving!" She laughed.

"Weren't you ever told not to run with scissors!?" I screamed in fury.


I looked in the bathroom mirror.

"Look at my little.. Christopher!," Jenna laughed. "Might as well get used to being called a boy."

"Shut up," I had a red faux hawk. It was cute.. Except for the mullet in the back. "Cut the mullet."

"No! If you cut off the mullet, then you'd ruin the masculinity."

I sighed. "Fine," I hope this'll help. I don't want to feel like a complete freak.