Status: Comments would encourage me to continue xD(:

Western Academy for Boys!? But I'm a Girl...Oh Well

Deux / Two


A month after I applied for the academy, I got the golden ticket.

Mr. Christopher P. Fontaine. February 13, 2010

Mr. Christopher Fontaine P.
Los Angeles, California


You have been selected for admission and are authorized to report to Western Academy for Boys, Los Angeles, California on 15 February 2010, before 10:00 A.M. You will find helpful information in the enclosed instructions about transportation, baggage funds and other matters pertaining to admission.

Wishing you a full measure of success and satisfaction as a member of our academy.

Sincerely yours,

J.P McCartney

They fell for it. Hah! William Beckett here I come.

I told William over the phone about my plans. He thought it was a bad idea at first, but it was my only chance of seeing him.

"Christ-.. Christopher. They're gonna find out. You're just not meant to be a dude," William said.

"Don't worry about it. Look, I cut my hair. I strapped my boobs down, Jenna even added facial hair," I said with a smile.

"Facial hair!?" William exclaimed. Everyone in the background became silent. The boys at the academy found it awkward. Jenna had to leave the room to laugh.

"Ehm.. Yes, facial.. hair," I mumbled. You know, when I was thinking about it, it made more sense.

"You know, you can just be this little boy with a hormone problem," I heard William smile.

"Oh shut up," I said with a smile.

"What about your voice?"

"What about it?" I said, putting my hands on my hips.

"You sound like a girl to me."

"Please, what teenage boy today doesn't sound like Mickey Mouse?"

"Hah! You're horrible!" Again, he was being too loud.

"So what do you think? Is it on?"

"Yeah. Let's do it but for God's sake keep your profile down."


We hung up. I went downstairs to see Jenna reading a magazine called Transamarica with her hand in a bowl of chips. She looked up at me "What now, Chris?"

"We pack," I said with a smirk.