Status: Comments would encourage me to continue xD(:

Western Academy for Boys!? But I'm a Girl...Oh Well

Vingt-quatre / Twenty-Four


I ran the opposite direction. I didn't want to look back. I didn't want to see the cops chasing me or capturing my friends.

There were more police cars than before.

If the cops catch me I'll be exposed of my real identity and go to jail. My sister would kill me! I knew this was a bad idea. Who the fuck goes panty raiding at an all girls school where the place is PACKED with security!?

I saw Alex and Jack run out of the building into their town car half naked. I also saw Gabe run into the woods followed by a pudgy man with long sideburns and a guy with short black hair. The rest of the guys were either running away from the cops or escaping through the woods. I wanted to follow Gabe, what if he knew the way back to Western Academy?

I followed him, but someone got me in a headlock.

"Fuck," I gasped. I fell to my knees.

"Stay down, you hear me!? Stay down!" It was one of the police men. I can tell from the pepper spray inches away from my face. "Don't try anything stupid or I'll be forced to blind ya'!" I don't know if that was a threat or something real. Were they even allowed to do that??

I never got in trouble with authority before, well, actually when I jay walked that time when I was in Middle school, but that's not the same!

He lifted me up from the ground and handcuffed me behind my back. He went on and on about how teenagers were a menace to society and how they're getting worse and worse every year. What are you? 21? You were a teenager not too long ago, asshole!

I crouched down as he shoved me in the cramped back of the car and slammed the door shut. I couldn't put on my seat belt like this.. What if we get into a car accident-!..

I looked next to me. There were two guys in smeared clown face paint. One was fat while the other was scrawny with dreads. They looked at me with a grin.

"Jay," the fat one said.

"Shaggy," the skinny one said.

I sunk into my seat and listened to the officers conversation.

"I saw a kid with some chick's underwear. He had long greasy hair and stupid basketball Capris."

Bert!? What about him!!?

"Yeah, I know who you're talkin' about. I used to see him all the time downtown selling that crack of his. I knew his wife too, poor girl couldn't sleep because she's married to a druggie and having a kid with him. Jeez. The poor kid is probably hooked on NyQuil."

"Davis cuffed him. He's off to the station now."


"He looks like a he's got a record."

"I bet he does."

They both laughed.

"Fuckin' jerks," I said under my breath. No one should talk shit about my friend. You don't know him like I do. Ugh, I don't know why I'm so mad.

"Hey kid," Shaggy said. "Wanna see a magic trick?"

I looked at them and shrugged.

He took his hands out from behind his back and had the handcuffs in his hand.

"Ta-da," he laughed.

My eyes widened. How the Hell..?

"Wanna see another one?" Jay asked.

I would think the fat one had a deep voice and the skinny one would have a scrawny voice. But turns out it was the other way around. So weird.

Jay put his arms under him and over his legs so his hands were cuffed in front of him.

Didn't that hurt?

Shaggy pulled out a gun. Where did he get that? I looked at both of the police men's belts of weapons. One of their guns were gone!

"Piggie pie!" Shaggy obnoxiously yelled and put a gun to the driver's head.

"Woah!" The man yelled.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

"I'm callin' the shots around here now," Jay said. He laughed and put the chain of the cuffs against his throat. Shaggy reached over the drivers seat with one hand and unlocked all the doors while the gun stayed on the officer's head.

"What the fuck!?" The police men swerved everywhere, running over some cops.

"Nice to meet you now have a nice day!" Jay said. "Tuck a roll!"


He opened my door and pushed me out. I fell on the grass as the car kept making figure eights.

I could hear the crazies laughing. Even though I got grass stains and a trip to the hospital, I owe them one. I got up, my hands still cuffed and ran as soon as I caught my breath. This time, I headed straight for the woods.