Status: Comments would encourage me to continue xD(:

Western Academy for Boys!? But I'm a Girl...Oh Well

Cinq / Five


I was in Mr. McCartney's office as he was getting my schedule ready. I hated when old people licked the paper before handing it to you.

"Here you go, Mr. Fontaine," He said with a smile.

"Thank you, Mr. McCartney," I said.

"Now here are our school rules and the clothes you should and shouldn't wear. They will also be your school handbook I suggest you pick up at your guidance counselor's. Just because you live here for the time being doesn't mean you can flaunt your stuff. No going to the Eastern Academy. It is prohibited as well as bringing a woman in the school."

The rest to me was blah blah blah. While he was talking my eyes wandered. I looked at his British flag above his golden plaque for the well kept.

I looked at him. "And for your room.You can visit your mate's room, but after six o' clock you are to be in your rooms. No sleep overs or asking for "more time to study" it doesn't work on me. I know all the tricks."

I looked behind him to see shelves full of books and..

I squinted.

Was that him?

There was a photo of him when he was younger. He was so CUTE! And was that a guitar? He was in a band!? I can picture him in the 70s or 60s. Flower power all the way. I don't get it! How come the most oldest person in this school was once hot. Are you like chosen to be here, because you're beautiful? I take that as a compliment..

"Are you listening to me?" He asked.

I looked at him. "Yes."

"What did I just say?" He leaned back in his hand and crossed his arms. He's pretty strict for a hippie.

Knock knock knock

"Who is it?" Mr. McCartney asked.

"House keeping," that voice sounded familiar.

He stood up "I am not going to put up with any of you boys shenanigans!"

The door opened and William came in laughing.

William! I just wanted to jump out of my seat and hug him! But I contained myself.

I smiled at him.

"Sorry Mr. Principle sir, I couldn't help myself." He looked at me. "Is this the new boy? Great, I'll show him around, thanks!" He took me by the shoulder and pulled me out of his office.

"Bye Mr. McCartney!" I said. I waved goodbye with my schedule as William was pulling me away.

"Wait, I'm not done-!"

The door shut while he was speaking. He sighed.