‹ Prequel: Running From Reality
Status: New--Sequel.

Cut and Run

Who I Am, Who I'm Not and Who I Want to Be

“Freddy!” I pushed her hands as they gripped my arm. I was beginning to lose all feeling. My fingers tingled up into my elbow, right below where she was squeezing. “Winifred!” I screeched as her nails drew blood over the healing lines near the crease of my elbow.
She turned and glared at me.

“You know better.” I shrugged. “What do you need?”

“You were about to bust a blood vein.” I rubbed my arm, trying to get the circulation back.

“And? You’re point is?”

“It hurt?”

She laughed nervously. “I’m sorry. I am just really losing it.”

“Losing what? And why?”

“Losing my mind. Oh please. Like you haven’t noticed Camden over there.” She nodded her head towards a guy standing on the other side of the apartment buildings, throwing bags of trash into the dumpster.

“No. Actually, you know, I’ve kind of given up stalking Dumpsters to find cute guys since I started going out with your brother.”

“Oh har-har.” She rolled her eyes. “He’s gorgeous though.”

“How do you know his name?”

She looked at me, blonde hair and brown eyes non-threatening, as she glared. I smiled in return, still waiting for an answer. “You’re apartment building is called Camden Hills. So…”
I laughed loudly, causing ‘Camden’ to turn to us. Which only made me laugh harder.
“Andi!” Freddy smacked my arm hard. “Stop it!”

I tried to catch my breath. Alex walked over and wrapped his arm around my waist. “What is she laughing about so hard?”

Freddy glared once more at me. “I don’t know. She’s crazy. Get your crazy girlfriend out of here.”

I smiled at her and patted her arm as Alex led me away.

“You can’t leave her there. She’s going to jump Camden.”


“I don’t know. That boy by the Dumpster. She wants his name to be Camden.”

“Camden Hills?”

“Yeah. Probably.”

“No. That’s Camden Hills.”

“Wait. No. I live here. IN Camden Hills.”

“Camden Hills was named after Camden Hills.”

“Which Camden Hills was named after what Camden Hills?”

“Great gosh.” Alex rubbed a hand over his hair. “The place was named after the person.”

“So the person is…?”

“Camden Hills.”

“Well yeah, but who is that.”

“The boy.”

“That boy has a freaking apartment complex named after him?!”

“Yeah. When he was little he almost died, so his parents made it tribute to him, but then he lived.”

“And you know this how?”

“I’m going to be going to college with his brother.”


“You know him!” Alex protested.


“Yes.” He chuckled. “Eddie Hills?”

“Oh! That’s his brother?”


“Well, why doesn’t Camden go to our school?”

“Hah. Like I know.”

“Oh. Well.”

We entered my new apartment with Aiden and Justin. Speaking of the dynamic duo, the two were sitting on the couch, cuddling and watching Past Life. “Hey!” I exclaimed. “That’s Luke’s daughter from Gilmore Girls!”

Justin and Aiden looked at me carefully. “You’re weird.” Justin shook his head, before leaning it against Aiden’s shoulder.

“Aww. Get a room.” I winked as Justin glared lightly.

“Just go to your room and shut up.” He joked back.

“Can do!” I pulled Alex in after me.

The past three weeks had been gradually making my life better. To say that everything was perfectly fine again would be a lie. I was still healing physically, and knew that me emotional health would never be completely good again. I would be scarred for life by the actions of my father, and my mother.

Because I had finally told somebody, and had gotten the government and the authorities involved, I was being escorted to and from counseling each day. The therapy session seemed to be making me feel a bit better, if not questioning why I hadn’t stopped my father. But I know that, in the long run, it will help.

Alex was going to be attending SOSU, Southeastern Oklahoma State University, in the fall. I was extremely torn about him leaving. He is my rock, the statue that always stood strong in the dark storms of my life. When he left, I know that my life is going to have one less supporter. The campus is only a few hours away from me, and Alex has promised repeatedly that he will visit as much as he can.

Aiden and Justin had quickly moved down to Oklahoma as soon as our parents were arrested. They bought a two bedroom apartment just as fast, so that the court would appoint Justin as my legal guardian for the next five months until I turn eighteen.

So now, I live with my brother and his boyfriend. My own boyfriend is about to leave for college. And my best friend is outside going gaga over some apartment named boy.
Yeah, life was normal again.
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I'm sorry most of this was repetitive, but I wanted to get the review over with, Jaycie should probably have the next update, actually...whoever gets around to it. We are both really busy, but are making definite time for Cut and Run. Comments(: We love you very much.