Baby Baker

Chapter 40


After the show that night, everyone wanted to go out for drinks and party. I told Cal it was probably time for us to leave...

"What?! You can't go! You just got here!" Jimmy yelped. I could practically see the pout his face held.

"I don't want to bring the party down. You guys go have some fun. Maybe we'll be able to go to another one of your guys' concerts soon."

"We don't have to party tonight. We can just chill. Zack's missed his little sister. He deserves to be able to spend some time with her," Pete said.


"Please, Sen! Please, please, please! I don't want you to go yet!" Zack whimpered, wrapping his arms around me.

"As long as you take a shower!" I said, pushing his sweaty arms off me. I heard small chuckles around the room.

"You know you like it," Jimmy said in a weird voice.

"Yeah, sure, Jim," I said, shaking my head.

“See, admitting to it is the first step.”

I shook my head. “Freak.”

After everyone was showered, we sat in the current parking lot of the venue. There was chattering all around and sounds of laughter from all directions.

There was one voice I hadn't heard much of tonight, and wondered if their tongue was down some bimbo's throat. I still couldn't believe how much he had changed. Maybe I could only see his figure, but I could see the ugly truth bright, and clear.

He had let the life of Rock N’ Roll take over his life, just like I knew it would. He could have denied it all he wanted to, but the truth was there.... And it always hurt...

I wasn't saying I made mistakes of my own, and that I hadn't changed, because I had. Not just physically, but also mentally and as a person I grew.

I learned to appreciate things a lot more. I learned how to not take life easily. I had a whole new perspective on it, and I knew everything happened for a reason.

I'm not angry for what Brian had become. Just disappointed. It was in his nature to have certain needs. A person can't stay one way his whole life, so he was bound to make some changes.

Part of me does regret ending things with him, but it was for the best. This way we won't be able to hurt one another... But there was still pain. An empty whole almost.

Brian really was me first true love, and he always would be.

But things have changed now...

I was the one that was usually invisible. Now I live in a world where it's dark most of the time.
There was no need to pretend I wasn't there anymore, it was simply just life. I didn't see anyone else, and they didn't see me.

But none of that bothered me.

If I could just have one wish, it would be to see the sunset just one more time...

My name is Sendra Baker, and this was my story.
♠ ♠ ♠
The End!!!
Kinda sad... :(
Thoughts? Sequel? Cookie?