I Never Learn


She leaned on her knees, her slightly swollen stomach fitting in between her legs and her body. It had been a week ago, everything was perfect; everything was going to work out smoothly. Although, it only took a matter of seconds for dreams to disappear.
The intersection had been clear when Randy had turned the car. The other car had come out of nowhere, and hit Randy’s side of the car. Roxy herself was lucky enough to get away with a scratch, Randy and their unborn baby, not so much. He was gone, and so was the baby. Long months of planning gone to waste. Roxy had disobeyed her parents, when she told them she was dating Randy. Imagine how they felt when she showed up one night, recently pregnant, cheap ring on her finger, announcing that she was moving out to start a family with him. Their worst nightmare. The fight that had broken out after that scene was one to remember. It ended with Roxy’s parents kicking her out, giving her 30 minuets to take whatever she wanted, and then locking her out of the house for good.
Roxy pulled the strands of white Christmas lights from the perimeter of the master bedroom in a two-bedroom apartment that Roxy and Randy had bought together as their first home. Roxy just wanted to move on with her life, sell all the things she and Randy had bought together, move away, and start to build bridges with new people, in a new life. She had burned down all the bridges she had with everyone in her life before Randy. The worst thing was that Roxy was about six months pregnant at the time of the crash. It was going to take her body some time to stop appearing as if she were still pregnant. That was the worst reminder, looking in the mirror every morning, forgetting about everything until she looked at herself. Physically, she was a wreck, puffy eyes, hair all over the place, bruises all over her body. It was as if god was messing with her, telling her how horrible she had been, slapping her in the face, making her realize how much it felt to hurt, just like she had made her parents.
Roxy had gotten so caught up in having a baby, and a husband that she neglected her friends, the ones she needed most. She accused them of not understanding the beautifulness of the situation, and being jealous. All that mattered to her was the little heartbeat of the tiny person inside of her.
“I guess I drowned out all my senses with the sound of it’s beating…” she murmured.
She felt empty inside. Randy wasn’t there, the baby she was going to have with the man she loved was forever gone, and she felt like she had no family, or friends.
“I wonder, how I’m supposed to feel, when you’re not here…” She said to no one in particular.
Roxy carried the last box out of what she once thought was going to be where she was most happy. Taking one last longing look around the apartment, wishing that it wasn’t ending this way. She shut the door, locking it with a key chain that had a picture of a sonogram on it, a present from Randy. Leaving the keys at the front desk she climbed into her car leaving everything behind.
“I guess this is what you get when you let your heart win,”
♠ ♠ ♠
601 words, contest entry for Charlie!