Status: Finished

Baby Just Don't Go

Two Little Words

I tried to hide it from Krista about the female who I’d slept with, but I still had the feeling she knew that something was up. I loved her and I knew that my transgressions would practically kill her. It was the third week of month three when I messed up again; she had called to see how everyone was and had started asking what was wrong with me.

“Baby are you sure everything’s OK? You seem off.” She had already asked me this one too many times.

“I’m fine god damn it! How many times must you ask?” I snapped at her. When she stayed silent I knew I’d fucked up, “Krista I’m sorry ba-”

“Fuck you Zacky,” she hissed and then the line disconnected.

I hadn’t heard from her for well over a month and Brian confirmed she’d come and got her Charger. I just wanted to go to her house and apologize but I knew there wasn’t much she’d want to hear. Finally she called and left a simple message telling me to meet her at the park.

“Krista, I’m glad you finally called,” I said as I sat down across from her at the picnic table.

“Zacky, I have to tell you something,” she said as she stared at the wooden table.

“I have to tell you something too.” Even though it’ll break your heart, I thought

She met my eyes finally, “you go first,” she smiled lightly.

I couldn’t look at her as I took a deep breath of suffocating air. “You know that I love you with all of my heart and have since the very first day right?” I asked glaring at the heart carved into the table.

“Yes,” she said, growing suspicion was in her voice. “What did you do Zachary Baker?”

I closed my eyes at her anger, I deserved it all. “Two months ago I,” I couldn’t get it out.

“Who was she Zacky?” I glanced up to see tears streaming down her cheeks. “I figured this was it you had to get some slut because I wasn’t there and then you snap at me when I try to get the truth out of you!”

“I’m so sorry, she was just a girl that someone brought over, the guys don’t even know.” She sat there with her face covered for a good minute before looking up at me. “Please forgive me,” I begged, “I was drunk.”

“Well, I guess that beats my news, have a great life Zacky. If you thought it was that hard to be apart then when you never see me again I guess it’ll be even worse.” She got up and headed to her car. She spun back around though after she paused with the door open, “Oh and just so you know Zack, it’s not just me you’ve hurt.”

“Krista, wait!” I called in a panic, “Please!” She ignored me and drove off. I had no idea what she meant by it wasn’t just her.

It wasn’t until two months later that I realized exactly what she had meant. It was a Friday and the guys had drug me to the mall to get some summer shit. I went and sat in the Star Bucks lounge to wait for them when a beautiful woman walked in. I never would have recognized her if she hadn’t met my eyes and shown me her bright green orbs. She’d dyed her hair black and one big thing stood out to me the most, she had a rounded belly now.

I couldn’t breathe, I was drowning on air. “Krista,” I said trying to get my voice. She turned on her heel and left, leaving her friend starring dumbly after her. I jumped up and chased after her and when I reached her, I pulled her gently to a stop. “You look amazing.”

“Let go Zacky,” she growled and the fact that she was calling me Zacky brought a flutter to my heart; it made me think that maybe there was some hope that she still loved me.

“You didn’t return my calls,” I muttered, stuffing my hands in my pockets.

“I didn’t see why it was necessary,” she stabbed.

“You didn’t see why? Krista, am I the father?” I asked.

She looked down at her belly for a bit before looking up at me with tears in her green eyes. “Yeah Zacky, you are. It was what I had to tell you-” she bit her lip before she sighed, “awhile back.”

Those were the words I wanted to hear and the words I dreaded hearing because I didn’t deserve to be the father. “I have to fix this Krista, please let me fix this.”

“I’m sorry Zacky, there’s nothing left to fix. I’m not broken,” she was walking away and I just couldn’t let her leave me again, I hadn’t been the same as I used to be, in months.

“Krista Kellings, I know now what I should have done months ago before you ever went on tour. I was scared; scared you’d leave any way. Scared that you would reject me, but I have to at least try now. I’m willing to prove how much you mean to me,” I called as I pulled off my favorite ring and got down on one knee.

“Zacky don’t,” she started.

“I love you more than anything in the world, you’re the mother of my child and I wish there was something I could do to take the hurt I caused you away, and to think I hurt you over being lonely when you needed me the most, I’m so sorry. I’m an ass and don’t deserve you, but I need you to stay. So baby, just don’t go, marry me Krista Kellings and I’ll make you the happiest woman in the world and I will never hurt you like that again. Please say yes love,” I was almost to tears but I’d said what I needed to say; the rest would be up to her.
♠ ♠ ♠
The end :D Been awhile since I wrote an a7x story, and this is the first time it was solely wrote from Zacky's point of view.

Hope you enjoyed the short story!