Pathetic Idiot Make Up Your Mind



"wiL, I really gotta go now." Bert said lifting himself off the bed.

"But I'm probably never gonna see you again." wiL retorted.

"You will, but you already held me captive for an hour longer." Bert picked up his clothes from the floor. He casually put on his pants while trying to cheer wiL up from his departure. "You know I will come to visit you." Bert said, now standing at the door ready to leave.

"It won't be the same. But I know you hafta go. Bye." wiL said sourly and looked down at the floor.

Bert kissed wiL's forhead. "I'll miss you wiL." Bert said. He then walked out of the door, down the stairs and out the front door. Through his window near his bed, wiL watched Bert walk across the street to his, now, old house. Bert got in the car with his parents and his parents drove away. The moving van followed. wiL laid back on his bed, rested his head against his soft pillow, and slowly fell into a sleep.

-------------------------Frankie's P.O.V---------------------------
"WE'RE HERE!!!" Mom sang out as the car came to a stop.
I gave a harsh breathe.

"Ah, Sweetie, you'll love our new house! It's big and has four bedrooms, and you now get your own bathroom." My mom cheerfully smiled and followed my dad out of the car.

"Why are there four rooms? There is only me, you, and dad. And you and dad are gonna share a room." I followed my parents out of the car.

"Your mom needs everything her way." Dad grunted.

My mom was right, the house is big. Even piled with boxes and no furniture it still looks like a nice house. I ran upstairs into what I was now marking as my room. More boxes filled to the top with my nic nacs. Soon the movers will bring up my bed and other furniture. I lied down on my green carpet.

"Frankie!!!" My mom yelled from downstairs. Waking me from my little nap "Come here please." I did as I was told and walked down the big stairway.

"Our new neighbors came over earlier to greet us, you weren't awake. They have a son, he didn't come with them, he is about your age. I think they said his name is...William." My mom informed me and opened the last box that was not unpacked. "I told them that you would drop by later. I want you to go soon, you can wake up a little bit first."

I looked around the kitchen. "How long was I asleep?" I asked.

"Well it is 7 now, so you were sleeping for about 4 or 5 hours."

"You did a good job unpacking" I told her.

"Thank you, no help to your father!" She enraged for a moment "But I couldn't stand having nothing in my new house."

"So where does this kid live?" I asked

"William? Right across the street. Would you go over now before it's too late?"

I nodded my head and opened the door. I looked both ways before I crossed the street. It's not a main street or anything, and I'm positive I would have heard a car coming if it was in viewing distance. I was just brought up to watch both ways and chew with my mouth closed and to change my underwear everyday. It's just something I did.

I knocked on the right side of the door. No answer...I have to pee really bad. The door started to open. I think I just pee'd myself a little.