Pathetic Idiot Make Up Your Mind



My parents and Hayley's parents talked all night. Occasionally my parents striked up a conversation with wiL, I think my dad likes him now. Weird, how who someone likes can totally change the outlook you have on them. wiL, Hayley, Jeremy and I talked together all night. wiL seemed to get along fine with them. I don't know why but it seemed important that wiL got along with them and my parents.

My mom glanced at the clock. "Oh my. It got late," She giggled like a crazy women who sits home alone with her 27 cats. I guess that is what you get when you have close friends over and many drinks. "wiL, you should be getting home, unless you would like to stay."

wiL looked at me, as if he was asking permission. "Sure." He answered.

"Frankie I was planning on you and Hayley sharing a room, but since wiL is staying the night, you two share your bed. Hayley, you can share Jeremy's room." My mom explained.

"I'm really tired," Hayley told us. "I'm gonna go to sleep."

"Why don't you all go to sleep?" My mom suggested...or, rather demanded.

We all trudged our way up the stairs and into the rooms. I lyed on my bed facing wiL's backside, studying his greasy black hair. About 10 or 15 minutes after we came upstairs the noise from downstairs came to a hush. They either passed out on the floor or just went to bed. I can't fall asleep I don't know why. I wonder if wiL was awake. Whoa. As if on cue wiL turned to face me, fully awake. He started to nibble on my lip ring, which ended up in us making out. I can feel my pajama pants being pulled down, no doubt by wiL's wandering hands.

"wiL," We both stopped all movement, including his hands. "Don't."

"But we have never done anything at your house, and we're here now."

"Exactly," We were both whispering so nobody would hear us. "If anyone heard us..."

"Oh come on, do something rebellious," wiL said. From the dim little light in my room I could see wiL's eyes glistening. It's not like I don't want to do anything, Just if anyone heard or saw us. I am afraid of the consequences. I stared at wiL's silhouette...what's the chances of someone hearing us? I started kissing wiL again for a sign as, okay proceed.

I felt a slight draft. Oh Jeeze, I didn't even notice wiL took down my pants. He slid my boxers to my ankles. wiL only had his boxers left on. He started to move his hand up and down my member. I bit my bottom lip, so a moan wouldn't escape through.

"I'm gonna cum," I hushly announced. wiL pulled under the covers and I could tell he was about to put my member in his mouth. Someone very faintly knocked on the door. Holy shit. Who could this be? Mom, dad? I quickly pulled up my boxers along with my pants. The door slowly shifted open. The light shined on. It was Hayley. She shut the door behind her and sat on the floor across from the bed.

"Hey guys," She slightly whispered. "Hope I didn't interrupt anything."

"Nope. Nothing," wiL replied. Fuck, I'm gonna cum in my pants.

"Okay. Good. Jeremy is annoying and I can't sleep." She explained.

"So just barge in my room." I said sarcastically.

She smiled and nodded. "I like your new room, It's a lot bigger than your old one."

"Compared to this house, my house was a shack."

wiL sat up on the bed. "Want to sit here?" He politely offered.

Hayley accepted the offer and climbed up on the bed. "Thanks wiL," She smiled. "So where do you live?"

"Across the street."

"Whoa, that's a long walk here." Hayley looked down at wiL's crotch which was currently not being covered by the blanket. She giggled. wiL knew his boner was there but he didn't seem to be ashamed of it.

The door opened again. "Hayley. Auntie isn't gonna be happy if she learns that you didn't sleep." Jeremy threatened.

"Jeremy, your such a snitch," She got off the bed. "Bye, G'night." She left and shut off the light and shut the door in the process.

I smirked at wiL. "What?" He asked. I quickly glanced at his crotch, then at his face again. He chuckled. "I can't help it, we were kinda in the middle of something...and she thought it was because of her. That was cute."

wiL lyed down. He kissed me. "Still ready to cum?"

"Nope, I thought I could stop it, but then when I looked down at your crotch, along with Hayley, I cummed in my boxers." I explained. He laughed.