Pathetic Idiot Make Up Your Mind



The regular smells, the regular sounds of waking up. Except since it is Saturday, my mom won't wake me up. I can hear chatter from downstairs, and the shower is running. This is usual when Hayley and her folks stay over. I got the irregular and abnormal peck on the check from wiL.

"wiL," I said startled. "People are awake now, anyone could walk in."

The reaction I expected, roll of the eyes and deep sigh, did not happen. He cracked a smile, got closer to me, he held onto my shoulder and placed his head on the crook of my neck. "Your adorable when you worry. Now, I need a cigarette." He got up off my bed and took out a pack of cigarettes out of his back pocket in his jeans.

"Not in here wiL. If my parents smell smoke, I'm dead," I sat up on the bed. "Go into one of the guest rooms. I'll meet you downstairs." He left the room, closing the door on his way out. I might as well get dressed.

I walked out of my room and to the staircase. What is that? Someone is singing? It's coming from the bathroom. I put my ear against the door to hear better. Her voice is stunning, it makes me want to prance through a garden of flowers. It also makes me want to...kiss wiL. The shower stopped. Oh, she is done. I walked down the stairs and saw wiL stuffing his face with my mom's amazing chocolate chip pancakes. wiL turned around to face me, he had chocolate all over his face. I laughed.

"These are fucking good man! Don't make fun of me." wiL said with a mouth full of food, and continued eating. The second he cussed my eyes were on my mom, she wasn't use to these words. Apparently she didn't hear, lucky for me.

"Frankie, Your pancakes are starting to shiver." My mom said and walked into the living room with her friends and husband. Translating mom code that means: Your damn pancakes are starting to get fucking cold, eat them before I shove them up your ass.

I sat next to wiL and I took a bite. Eh, I'm just not in the mood for food. Not hungry. wiL was all done with his pancakes.

"Are you gonna eat those?" wiL said eying my pancakes.

"Jeeze, your like a fucking monster," I pointed out. He still had chocolate over his mouth, I don't know if he noticed. Probably not. "Eat them." I allowed him to attack my pancakes, and he did so.

"You ate 21 pancakes wiL." I stated once he finished devouring mine, which he did in under 5 minutes.

"I'm a fat ass, sue me." He said, He still has chocolate over his mouth and it is worse than before.

"You have chocolate on your mouth." I told him. He tried wiping it off, but no success. I started licking it off for him...our tongues touched, and guess where that got us. Mmhm. Making out, right in the center of my house, in the center of the kitchen. I heard footsteps coming from down the stairs. Once again, Hayley ruins our little...moments, if you will.

"Ooh. Chocolate chip pancakes! I could smell it from upstairs in the shower," She took a big wiff of the disappearing smell. "Your mom makes the best pancakes."

"Your too late, wiL ate them all." I told her.

"All of them?" She said surprised. "She always makes a bunch. How many did you eat?"

"21." He stated.

Hayley's eyes bugged out. "Jesus Christ, you fucking pig!"

We are walking aimlessly around the mall, my mom wanted all of us kids to get out of the house. So we went to the mall. Jeremy is a pain in the ass. I wish he didn't come.

"I'm hungryyy!" Jeremy wined again.

"No, really? Why don't you fucking tell us again!" wiL said. I can tell he wants to hit him. Jeremy gave him a dirty look. Hayley keeps staring at wiL, he doesn't notice. He isn't staring at her, he is barely looking at her. He is mostly looking at me. I feel loved.
We found a place to sit at the food court.

"I'll be back." wiL said walking off.

"I'm gonna get something to eat." Jeremy walked away, I hope he doesn't come back.
Hayley looks nervous. Now excited. "Frankie, I like wiL, He likes me right?" She said all bubbly.
Ohhh shitt sonn. What do I say to this? I'm pretty sure wiL doesn't like her...or any other girls.

"He keeps looking at me. Also last night, his boner," She put that in a whisper. Haha, That boner wasn't for her, and he has barley looked at her...She likes him though. Do I tell her he's gay? Or he doesn't like her? Or what.

"Yeah, I think he likes you." I blurted. Fuck, I'm a dumb ass.

She smiled so much it looked like her face was going to break. Now I feel bad. wiL walked back to the table, He smells of smoke. Hayley is staring at him with her face breaking smile. She should tone that down a's sorta creepy. My cell phone is ringing. I walked away to answer it, I don't really like talking to people on the phone in front of others.

"Hello." I answered the ringing.

"Hi Frankie. It's Mommy. I want you guys home soon." She told me.

"You were the one that wanted us out the house."

"I am also the one that wants you back to the house."

"Fine," I sighed, "We'll be home soon, Bye."

"Bye." I hung up. I started to walk back. wiL is walking to me. He looks confused.

"..What did you tell her?" wiL asked.


"Yeah, I see. So that means you didn't tell her I was gay," He shook his head out of confusion. "She just asked me out."

I smiled slightly. "Oh...yeah...that. She likes you..and she thinks that you like her."
"Why? Why would she think that I like her?"

"Because of last night, your boner. And she said you keep looking at her today." I explained.

His faced turned surprised. "What? I have been staring at you the whole time," He moved closer to me. "Every time I look at you I get a tent in my pants." He kissed me and I could tell he wanted to make the kiss go farther, I lightly pushed him back.

"Fuck. wiL," I looked around nervous. "Hayley and Jeremy are right there! If either of them saw us...especially Jeremy.." I didn't finished, I didn't need to.

We walked back to the table. I could feel wiL discreetly trying to link fingers. He is just trying to piss me off. Isn't he? I linked fingers with him until three more steps, when we reached the table. Jeremy is smiling...did he see us linking fingers? Or kissing?

"Why are you smiling?" Hayley questioned as Jeremy neatly laid is food out on the table.
He chuckled. "Nothing...just, just, I almost fell," He tried to control his laughter. "It's embaressing."

At least he didn't see us kiss.

Relief. It sprayed me like a pixie.
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