Pathetic Idiot Make Up Your Mind



Luckily for me, I escaped from wiL's house at 4:30 something, a few minutes before my parents woke up. They didn't even notice I left...ooh, I am ohsosneaky. wiL didn't really have skittles. I got a little mad, he gave me MnM's though...but they will never match up the skittles. EVER. My dad went to work early, and my mom is somewhere downstairs. I am trying to sleep before I have to get up for school, but I can't. I am so excited for, not only Halloween but, my Birthday!!! It's in two days.

"Frankie! Wake up for school!" My mom's voice yelled up the stairs.

I slowly got up off my bed. Gahh...I'm tired. Why didn't I sleep? Oh birthday thing.

"So I didn't sleep all night." I said talking to Aaron.

"I'll make sure to wish you a happy birthday." He smiled.

"Boo!" wiL scared. I jumped. "haha, I scared you." He smiled and kissed my cheek. I looked around to see if anyone saw, I am kind of paranoid of people knowing. People always bash the gays and I don't want it to happen to me...

"So you were talking about your birthday?"

I nodded anxiously. "Yupp!! I can't wait."

wiL laughed a little. "Your such a little kid, it's adorable."

The bell rang and at that moment I realized we were still outside of the school, we didn't go to our lockers to get our books or anything. My eyes went wide. "We're late!"

wiL cracked up. "Calm down!" I started to run towards the doors, wiL grabbed my hand.

"Nooo wiL! I can't be late to class...but I already am. I can't be anymore late. C'mon wiLLL!!!" I whined.

"Frankie! Chill out!!!"

Aaron was laughing at our little show we were putting on. "I'm going to class. See you later Frank, wiL." and Aaron walked off.

"wiL!!, you let him goo! but not mee!!!" I whined more.

"That's because I'm not interested in Aaron." He was still holding my hand and I was thinking about running for it once he loosened his grip. "We'll just skip. Spend the day with me."

My eyes were wide again. "I can't skip! That's not gooddd!" I was whining very bad and it was now uncontrollable.

"Okay, that little kid thing...I take it back. It's not that adorable when you whine." He let go of my hand, as a form of trust. "C'mon Frankie, do something rebellious. Why do you always listen to what everyone tells you to do?"

"You have to listen, or you'll never learn." After I said that I realized how much I am afraid to get in trouble, or even have my mom say 'bad' or 'why would you do that?' to me. I am afraid to be myself and be how I want to be.

"Wanna come with me? I am gonna go meet Patrick, Gabe, and Shaant at Ronnie's house."

I hesitated. I have really done nothing rebellious and I am going to start it off by skipping school? I looked into wiL's eyes and I couldn't resist going with him. I nodded my head and he got really excited.

"GO Frankie! Congrats on your first time skipping school." He kissed my lips and it got me hard...yeah, I could say wiL has a some-what of an effect on me.

My eyes shot open and I jumped out of my bed. I didn't wait for a voice to come up the stairs today, today was different. I shot down the stairs.

"HI MOM!!!!" My smile is beaming.

My mom sniffled and put a small smile. "Hi Hun." Her eyes were red and so was her face.

I stared at her trying to give her a hint at what today was. "Today is the 31st!"

Her face was a little shocked. "Ohh, Happy Birthday!!"

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, It's your birthday. I'm really happy!"

"You don't seem really happy..."

She showed a ridiculously fake smile. "Happy enough?"

I brushed off my mom's coldness for today, I can't be mad at her. That day I skipped with wiL, the principal called my mom. Mom and dad have been fighting for the past two days. My dad saying 'you raised him to skip school' and my mom would fight it 'I raised him to listen!'. And the fights about me led about fights about other stuff, such as bills, our house with four bedrooms, food in the house, being rushed in the bathroom. Pretty much to anything you could think of. My mom is usually always happy, but not lately. I'm kind of worried for her and this may seem selfish but I don't care today. Today is for me, it's my birthday. I am now 18 years old.

I got to school and Aaron wasn't in his normal spot we usually meet at. So I went to my locker, I'm not planning on skipping today. I walked past Mrs. Borden and she shot me death glares. Who knew a teacher could hate you so much. My math teacher for the moment, Mr. Lippeillo, walked by. He said hi, such a creepy man. I have had four different math teachers this year. My original one got foot surgery and hasn't come back yet.

I walked to my class. I'm the first person in here. I'm not gonna lie, I was disappointed that Aaron wasn't outside and didn't freak over my birthday and buy me a pink unicorn. I haven't seen him or wiL so far. As if on cue, Aaron walked into the class.

"Frankiee! HAPPY BIRTHDAYYY!" He yelled.

I giggled "I know!"

He gave me a weird look. "What?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Who cares, It's my birthday!" More kids walked in the classroom, they gave me dirty looks 'cause I was smiling so early in the morning.

Aaron sat down in his normal seat next to me. "wiL was looking for you."

I smiled and got happy. Hearing his name made me happy. "Where is he?" I asked.
"I have no clue where he went."

I'll find him, I got up from my seat and the bell rang. Crap. I'll talk to him in English.
Science class dragged on, learning all about stuff I was never going to use. I managed to get through class 'cause I was so happy. To some people it is just another day of the year, sucks to be them. The rest of the day went just like Science class. I didn't find wiL, which made the day worse. My happy-go-lucky mood is gone, 'cause I didn't see wiL. He knew it was my birthday, he knew I was so excited for it. And he didn't bother to come to school. I took the bus home from school, I don't care if I am a [now] 18 year old taking the bus. My day had a dark cloud hanging over it. I got home and I heard some yelling from outside of my house. My dad walked outside and into his car, my mom is yelling but her words are muffled by her overflowing tears. My dad pulled the car out of the driveway, he is yelling at my mom. Let me translate his words short and clearly: Stupid bitch.

My mom slammed the door behind her, I walk in.

"Me and your dad had a good, and well needed conversation." She explained, so into detail, this women is. I left the air open for her to finish."We're going to stop seeing each other."
My expression is blank and I want to cry. Today is my birthday, surprise! We're divorced.
My mom ran into the kitchen and out of the oven, she took, a black flaming circular shaped piece of flour. She violently threw it on the counter so it made a huge bang and echoed through the silent house. Mom ran into her room and cried some more. After close examination I realized the item on the counter was suppose to be a cake, at least she didn't forget.

I walked into my living room and sat cross legged on the couch. The TV was off and no music on. I wanted to cry...but the tears wouldn't come out. I guess I knew it was going to happen and I prepared myself. The silence was too loud for me to take but I don't want any sound. My mind is boggled and I can't take it. I need to get out of this house. Three consistent knocks at the door shot out the silence and I was filled with new emotions. I walked up and answered the door. At the door stood a handsome man, about my age. He looked familiar but I couldn't place my finger on it.

"Hey, babe." The man smiled.

"Hi wiL."
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Taste-the-Rainbow made me a pretty awesome banner.
I'll show it next time I update.

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Make me banners.
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