Pathetic Idiot Make Up Your Mind



The women stared at me with beety eyes that looked like they wanted to kill someone.

"...Hi, I'm Frankie. The new neighbor. You met my parents earlier." I muttered, afraid she would rip my head off if I said the wrong thing.

The killer eyes turned into some what kinder eyes, maybe annoyed eyes. I've never been too good at eye reading anyways. "Oh, Frank...right? Come in." She motioned inside the house.

I walked inside. The house was nice, a little smaller than mine. There is, what I assume to be, empty beer cans everywhere.

"This is my husband, This is that kid. From next door." She introduced, barely.

"wiL is upstairs, go ahead and introduce yourself to him. Just walk up the stairs, down the hall and it is the very last door on the left." She directed. "Now go." She shooed.

I listened and followed the directions she told me. Surely enough I was standing in the doorway of his room. He stared up at me from his bed, black all around his eyes. "Sorry, I didn't mean to just walk in. I should have knocked." I said frightened.

"You should have." He sat up on his bed. "I have no fucking clue who you are. to explain?"

"I'm the new neighbor. My name is Frank Iero." I flashed a smile trying to be friendly.

"Turn on the light." He commanded. I did. He winced at the light. He walked over to his dresser and yawned. His hair looks like he just woke up, which he did. His eyes are covered in smudged black make-up, and he is only wearing a pair of jeans.

"What?" He said rudely. "Why are you staring at me?"

I didn't answer I just looked away.

"Don't stand in the doorway, I like my door closed. Sit on my bed or something."

I closed the door behind me and sat on his bed.

"So, what do you want anyways?" He turned around and faced me.

"Well, my mom wanted me to come to your house and meet you." I replied.

"Mom wanted me to go there instead of you coming here, but I didn't want to. I'm wiL Francis by the way. I just woke up. I fell asleep once Bert McCracken left." He paused. "You took his house." His voice was a little more harsh. He yawned again. But this time is was very dramatic.

I stared at his bulge as he was yawning. I looked up. He noticed me staring. He is giving me a face. He sat down next to me and lit a cigarette.

"So where are you from?" He took a puff.

"New Jersey." I watched the smoke do twists and turns and fly around the room then disappear.

wiL didn't even attempt to act like he cared. "When are you gonna start school?"

"Probably tomorrow, my mom likes to move fast. She already has the living room and kitchen unpacked."

Once again, he didn't make any attempt. So I'll just ask him a question.

"Do your parents know you smoke?" I asked.

"My parents don't know shit about me." He blew the smoke. "They could care less."

"How long have you smoked?"

"Since I was about 12." He inhaled the smoke. He threw what was left of the cigarette out of the wide open window.

"Did you have a girlfriend back in..." He paused "New Jersey?"

"Yeah, for 7 months. We broke up a little before we moved..." He wasn't caring again "Do you have a girlfriend?"

He chuckled a little. "No, no girls really like me." He left it at that.

"My mom is gonna want me home. So, I guess I'll see you tomorrow in school?" I got up.

"Bye." He ignored me and lit another cigarette.

"Bye." I walked out of his house and into my new house.

"So do you like you him?" My mom popped up and questioned joyfully.

"Yeah, he's seems nice." I said and walked up to my room.

"SCOTT!! Frankie has found a new friend already! I told you he would make friends quick." My mom screamed up the stairs to my dad.