Pathetic Idiot Make Up Your Mind



I woke up to the normal smell and sounds. The smell of chocolate chip pancakes being cooked and sizzling on the pan and the beep of coffee being done. The footsteps of my dad walking to get it. Then you hear the sound of coffee being poured, and the springs of the couch from my dad sitting back down. Then...

"Frankie! wake up for school!" My mom said.

Then, my mom's cheerful voice waking me up for school, even though I am already awake.
I got dressed and brushed my teeth, my hair, and finished up everything else I needed to do. I walked down the stairway.

My mom smiled "Are you excited for your first day of school?"

"It's school, how excited am I usually for school?"

"But still, a whole new school, new people."

"Maybe you can find a new girlfriend" My dad chimed in.

"And new girls in school." My mom tried to cheer me on to find a new girlfriend. "Now eat your breakfast before it gets cold."

I ate and ran out of the house, I don't even know what time this new school of mine starts. I'm probably late, or I could be early. Who knows. I sure don't. I wonder what the school will look like, or the teachers. I'm not gonna take the bus, I am 17. I can't wait to get a car.

Crap, where the fuck am I suppose to go? I've been running around this school trying to find room 208 for 10 minutes.

"Excuse me!" A harsh voice screeched behind me. I turned around "Where are you suppose to be?" It was a teacher, patrolling the halls. She was tall and thin with bleach blond hair, it was obviously died because you could see her roots, they were black. She looks like the school slut to be honest.

" 208. I can't find it, I'm new here."

"Ahh, the new kid" She strolled up to me. "Frankie Iero huh? I'm Mrs. Duda" She told me. "I have you 4th period. What is the room your looking for?"

Oh, it's a teacher. I showed her my schedule. She started walking away, then motioned me to follow.

"It's that room right there." She told me. I went into the room as she instructed.

The whole class glared at me. The teacher too. "Who are you?" She interrogated.

"I'm Frankie Iero, I'm new here." I told her trying not panic at all of the glares.

"Well Mr. Iero. I'm Mrs. Bordon. Glad you showed up." She slammed a book on her desk

"Now go take a seat." She said, she seemed very angry at me. Oops, what did I do now?

I took one out of the two free seats in the class. Some people were still staring at me.
"Hey, I'm Aaron Gillespie." A man with a friendly smile and red hair introduced.

"Hey, I'm Frankie Iero." I replied.

"MR. IERO! Being the new kid and being late to my class I would expect you to be silent and well behaved!" My new homeroom teacher yelled.

She resumed teaching her science. Aaron made a gun with three fingers and pretended to shoot himself. If I did that she probably would see me and would yell at me again.

I walked of the lunch room and to my locker. So far the only friendly person I met here is Aaron and all of the teachers hate me. This school year seems like a blast. What do I have this period? I pulled out my schedule. English. room 212. A jab on my right shoulder "HEY!" a voice sprang out.

"Hey Aaron." I said relieved it wasn't another angry teacher.

"Where ya going?" He asked.

"English, with Mrs. Ducharme."

"I have that class next, I'll show you where it is." He walked and forward and I walked beside him. "So, have you met anyone yet?"

"Well, I met my neighbor wiL last night. Him and you."

"wiL? wiL Francis? You must have took Bert's house." Aaron started talking.

"Well that is what wiL told me. Are you friends with him?" I asked.

"Well...He's fun. er..." He couldn't find anything to say. "That's your class. See you later."

I walked in the class and sat down in a random seat in the back. The bell rang. Yay, my first class today I wasn't late to. I'm so proud of myself. Hey, it's wiL. He just walked in. He sat in the empty seat next to me. He looked at me, I flashed a small smile.

"Hey Frankie do--"

"wiL" The teacher called out, meaning 'wiL you douche bag stop talking to the new kid.'

"I'll talk to you after school." He whispered to me.