Pathetic Idiot Make Up Your Mind



"You don't have a car! That sucks. I don't know what I would do without mine. I wouldn't be able to drive places...and all that jazz." Aaron said ending his raving on his car. "So do you want a ride to your house?"

"Well wiL wanted to talk to me after school, he didn't tell me where to meet him or anything though."

Aaron looked a little surprised. He mumbled something to himself.

"Hey Aaron." wiL jumped out.

"Hey wiL. Bye wiL, Bye Frankie." He waved and left on his journey to is 'oh-so fabulous' car that he loves so much.

"Hello Frankie." wiL said.

"Hey." I said confused. He is so chipper for some reason.

"Want a ride home?"

"Yeah, sure." Is that all he wanted to ask me?

We walked to the car, got in and wiL drove off. We are very close to our houses now and neither of us had talked.

"You said you had a girlfriend right? and it didn't work out?" wiL asked, he didn't give me time to respond. "Have you ever had a boyfriend?""

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa!" I rushed the one side of the car "I am not gay!"

"Ohh, you haven't come out of the closet yet. That's so cute." wiL chuckled.

"I haven't come out of the closet because I'm not gay!" I think I'm just gonna jump out of the car and walk home.

"Listen. You haven't come out of the closet yet, but trust me. I know you are. So I am coming out of the closet for you," He took out his cigarette pack and singled one cigarette out. "On Friday after school, meet me where you met me today."

I didn't answer, I opened the door next to me and got out "I'll walk from here." I yelled already out of the car. We are right up the street from my house. It wouldn't hurt me to walk a little. The car sped up the street. Holy fuck. How could he think I'm gay?

"Aaron, the most fucked up thing happened yesterday." I started up in first period. "wiL...he.."

"Likes you?" Aaron read my mind.

"Ya...and He wants me to meet him after school tomorrow."

"So, do it." Aaron said it was like no big deal that wiL Francis likes me. I'm straight.

"But I'm no--" The teacher walked in and I went silent. I realized that you can work your way to the teachers liking you if you are quiet and pretend you are paying attention...The only teacher I like is Mrs. Ducharme and I don't have her till 5th period...wiL is in that class too. stomach is getting knots in it.

The bell rang. Finally away from Mrs. Bordon. She called on me during the whole class time.
"Mrs. Bordon doesn't like you." Aaron informed me like it was news.

"Yeah, I sorta figured. I don't like her either. Science sucks anyways. I don't need science to live my life." I said. Fuck, wiL is walking by. My stomach is getting knots again. I am trying my hardest to keep my eyes off of him, but it is really hard to.

2 minutes until the school day is over. 2 minutes until wiL wants to meet me. I don't even know if I'm gonna go meet him. I'm scared...scared of...I don't know. I want some skittles. The bell rang. I walked out into the halls, everyone rushes by to get out of school. It's Friday, what do you think they are gonna do? Get wasted and high. Well...most of them that is. I got to my locker after pushing through millions of people, I ran outside. I don't know why I am running...I guess I am eager to see wiL. I walked up. There he is...waiting for me. He turned around.

"Hello Dolly, you came. I was afraid you were gonna stand me up." wiL said.

"wiL...I" I'm choking up. He got closer to me. So close I feel like I can't breathe to myself, I feel if I take a breath it would go right down into his throat. "I'm not gay...but, I like you wiL." I found myself whispering.

"Oh please, you are gay. Just admit it."

"wiL, I'm--" He put his hands on my waist and grabbed my lips with his own. It happened all in one instant. He pulled away for a moment. "I'm gay." I finished.